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We’re taking a look at the second pedal in a series of overdrive that come from my beautiful home state of Wisconsin today! The Winter is the 2nd of four pedal in the aptly-names Seasonal Drive Series from Fox River Devices, and it warms your amplifier and your soul at the same time. Coming on the heels of the impressive Autumn Drive from a couple months back, this one keeps this impressive series moving right along… As...

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Today, we’re continuing taking a look at a new lineup of small but great-sounding effects pedals from our friends at Caline, with the G-010 Parrot Delay and G-008 Barn Owl Reverb. These seemingly simple boxes offer excellent tone that’s easy to dial in, coming in a wide range of genres, to create an entire pedalboard without having to sell a kidney on the black market. Let’s see what these next couple of effects are...

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Delay is the best effect out there, hands-down…BUT, I do love a good compressor and a good preamp, too. Fortunately, today’s pedal, the Niche Devices Humboldt Preamp SE combines both of these effects into one brilliant effect, with broad range and total tonal control. Conceived over the course of two years, this original circuit offers optical compression coupled with a high headroom preamplifier, and features the unique...

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Love it or hate it, the Ibanez Tube Screamer, in all its iterations, is a staple in the world of guitar overdrive effects. With its characteristic mid-range boost and bright green enclosure, it works with rock, blues, metal and more, becoming part of many famous guitarists’ signature sounds. Its stock version, however, can leave some wanting more, and that’s where today’s pedal comes in – the TS9 Tube Screamer...

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It’s been a minute since we’ve had anything from Wren and Cuff come through the shop, but today’s pedal most definitely makes up for lost time. The Eye See ’78 Dual Op-Amp Distortion takes a peek at a very particular piece of Big Muff history, when the famous circuit changed drastically, if for just a brief period: 1978-80 or so, when the usual transistors were scrapped in favor of operational amplifiers...

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Like it or not, aesthetics play a certain role in all of our pedal collections. There are lots of flavors of design, look and feel to every effects pedal out there, from the plain metal enclosures to wildly imaginative, intricate pieces of artwork. Today’s pedal, the Shroot II (Deluxe) Overdrive from Fuzz Imp has, for a lot of us, an instantly-recognizable television character at its forefront, and it’s a large basis for...

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Getting in on the ground floor to help promote a company’s first flagship pedal is always something special here at Pedal of the Day, and we’ve got an absolute banger on the bench today. The Hog Overdrive from Tallon Electric is the only overdrive ever created that enables you to dabble with the untamed guitar stylings of the band Bilmuri, whose sound incorporates pop-punk, electro-laced emo, experimental post hardcore and...

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The recent revival of the Maestro brand has brought a couple of great pedals our way. We recently had the chance to check out the FIVE newest pedals in Maestro’s Original Collection, and today we’re heading back a bit to check out one of their earlier releases. The Ranger Overdrive features three knobs, one switch and a ton of tone to shape and sculpt your favorite distortion and overdrive sounds...

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A couple years back, we had the privilege to demo and review a couple of differently-flavored dirt pedals from the folks at Revv Amplification: the G2 Overdrive, G3 Overdrive Distortion and G4 High Gain Distortion. Taking their expertise in amplifiers and condensing it down into some effects pedals couldn’t have worked out better, and we were excited for what was coming next. Fast forward a year and a half, and today we’re...

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After the seemingly endless sonic possibilities we explored in the PLETHORA X3 from TC Electronic last month, it was nice to have a simple, stripped-down pedal to check out next in their lineup. The Magus Pro Distortion is a classic, high-gain distortion pedal with fat mids, a treble filter control and 3 different clipping modes, for any musical scenario. Powerful, amp-driving glory is right at your fingertips… The Magus...

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Yellowcake Pedals FOOM Fuzz

Yellowcake Pedals FOOM Fuzz

Posted By on Saturday, January 7, 2023 in Fuzz, Yellowcake Pedals | 0 comments

We’ve always enjoyed it when a new product from Yellowcake Pedals appears on our doorstep, and today we get to experience that joy once more. They’ve sent over the FOOM Fuzz, a one knob powerhouse that goes from dirty to dirtier to just filthy, and it is awesome. This simple, velcro-like fuzz gives you some very Muff-esque types of distortion, and all you have to do is gently turn one control. It’s designed to be...

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Over the coming weeks, we’re going to be taking a look at a new lineup of small but great-sounding effects pedals from our friends at Caline, starting with the G-001 Tiger Eye Distortion and the G-014 Nasty Bear Fuzz. These seemingly simple boxes offer excellent tone that’s easy to dial in, coming in a wide range of genres, to create an entire pedalboard without having to sell a kidney on the black market. Let’s see...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday season, and that your 2023 is already off to a great start. We’re going to get off to a great start here at Pedal of the Day as well, bringing you some dynamic effects units to start off the year. Recently released, the Moog Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins are faithful recreations of the classic, big box Moogerfooger effect lineup, which has been discontinued for...

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The fine folks at Flamma Innovation are back at it, releasing FIVE new pedals, all of which we’re going to take a look at here at Pedal of the Day. This week, we wrap things up with the FC21 Analog Compressor, a simple effect that takes your tone to the next level. Whether you’re on a budget, or just looking for a new, funky sound, this little one has got you covered… There’s nothing quite like the subtle ways...

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Today, we’re brining you the third pedal from the wonderful lineup of effects from Full Mojo Electronics in Peru, following the Funkifier Envelope Filter and Echo Trip Delay. The Abisal Analog Chorus takes elements from a certain classic, light blue chorus effect and expands on that sound, for wide-ranging modulation that goes from that classic 80’s sound to fully controlled dissonances. Not for the seasick or weak of...

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Boss RE-2 Space Echo

Boss RE-2 Space Echo

Posted By on Monday, December 19, 2022 in Boss, Delay / Reverb, Echo | 0 comments

A couple months ago, we got to dig deep and investigate the Boss RE-202 Space Echo, a wonderful delay and reverb based in the classic Roland RE-201 Space Echo Tape Delay / Reverb units from decades ago…and it was awesome. Today, we’re journeying into that field once more, only this time, in a much smaller package. The Boss RE-2 Space Echo gives you all the basic sonic elements you need from those vintage units, just...

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One of the perks of getting to know so many pedal companies in this business is the ability to have unique, one-of-a-kind pedals built for us, and we’ve got another great one today. Spindrift Audio approached me about doing a special effect just for Pedal of the Day, and we decided that it should probably be something Star Wars-related, ’cause why not? The result is the Mandalore Germanium Drive, a pedal that not only...

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Colfax Recorders Porcelain Fuzz

Colfax Recorders Porcelain Fuzz

Posted By on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 in Colfax Recorders, Fuzz | 0 comments

The first two pedals we have had the pleasure to explore from Colfax Recorders, the Apache Rose Preamp and the Zephyr Overdrive, were absolute musical beasts. Today, we’re looking at the third and final pedal in their current lineup, and it most definitely is in the same category. The Porcelain Fuzz might sound a bit dainty, delicate or slightly breakable at first, but this three-knob wonder will annihilate anything that crosses...

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We love the way the folks at VVco Pedals incorporate great effects with nostalgic merch from past movies, TV shows and more, and we’re especially stoked about today’s featured pedal. The Dark Father Preamp is clearly representative of a certain Jedi-turned-Sith, and it sounds just as evil. Melding elements of overdrive, fuzz, distortion, EQ, boost and preamp, this multi-faceted effect is not only fun to look at, it sounds...

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We always enjoy when a new type of device or way to add to your sound is unleashed on our community, and today’s effect(s) really take things up a notch. The crew over at Chaos Audio has designed the Stratus, a unit that allows to create an entire pedals board from one pedal and your phone. You control the effects in real-time from an app, chaining multiple pedals together in any way you choose. The app currently features over...

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A good multi-effects unit is always fun to take a look at, and when it’s focused on modulation, delay and reverb, it makes it that much better. The PLETHORA X3 TonePrint Pedalboard from TC Electronic takes its origin from the larger PLETHORA X5, slimming it down for an easier fit on your board, while still giving you the quality effects you need. We love the versatility in this unit, and can’t wait to dig in with you all...

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We’ve had a blast checking out the lineup of pedals from the newly-revamped Maestro brand, and have a BIG surprise for you all today. They’ve just released FIVE new units, and we have got them all in one place for you. Today, we’re looking at the Orbit Phaser, Mariner Tremolo, Titan Boost, Arcas Compressor Sustainer and Agena Envelope Filter – 5 effects building on the first 5 pedals they initially released...

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The combination of overdrive and reverb is a no-brainer, and when they are paired up in an enclosure like today’s pedal has, that just makes things sweeter. The Clifton Guitarworks Torque Converter Overdrive Reverb is a big ‘ol box of awesome, a bright beacon that’s easy to find on any board, and easy to dial in a great sound quickly. Let’s not waste any more time, here we go…!! The Torque Converter is a...

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The fine folks at Flamma Innovation are back at it, releasing FIVE new pedals, all of which we’re going to take a look at here at Pedal of the Day. This week, we continue with the FC20 British Distortion, a simple but powerful amp-driving effect that takes your tone to the next level. Whether you’re on a budget, or just looking for a new heavy sound, this little one has got you covered… Need rich, British amp breakup...

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It’s been a little while since we had a pedal from EarthQuaker Devices come through here, but apparently it was worth the wait. The Hizumitas Fuzz Sustainar is based on a rare fuzzy distortion from Japan, and was designed for the one and only guitar sorceress Wata from the band Boris. This effect is full of dirt, warmth and character, and is an instant eye-opener as you as it is engaged… The ELK Sustainar is a Japanese...

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Sometimes, we stumble across a company that doesn’t have a lot of information pertaining to them on the old interwebs, making it a tricky puzzle as to if they’re still in business or not. Today’s pedal comes to us from AboveGroundFX, whose pedals are available at Vintage King, but who don’t appear to have a social media presence or an updated website to their name. Regardless, the Tone Control Booster is a nice...

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Today’s featured pedal is one we’ve had our eye on for some time, and were super-stoked when the opportunity to review it came along (we even managed to get the Vintage King Special Edition). The Kilobyte™ is a Lo-Fi Delay pedal, one with a bunch of options, and some of the smoothest and craziest echoes you’ll find on a pedal, anywhere. Deep, dark, analog delay tones are easy to come by, as well as crystal-clear...

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When musical gear companies collaborate on a project, it usually ends up being something pretty special. When THREE companies team up with one of the most iconic bands in history, something REALLY special is gonna happen. Today, we’re looking at an effects pedal from the Sweetwater Exclusive Beach Boys Limited Edition collection, which teams up JHS, Keeley Electronics and Benson Amps to celebrate the release of “The Beach...

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Today’s pedal is both brand new and not…if that can make any sense. The now-resurrected and much-revered Octave Clang from Death By Audio is BACK, bringing its unique sound along with some new improvements and sonic options to the table. As usual, this DBA unit isn’t for everyone, but it should be, ’cause it is WICKED AWESOME… In the decade since it disappeared, Death By Audio revisited the original Clang...

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Boss DM-3 Analog Delay

Boss DM-3 Analog Delay

Posted By on Saturday, February 24, 2024 in Analog, Boss, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

Well, we did it – today marks the official TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Pedal of the Day!! It’s been quite a ride, and we’ve seen an unbelievable amount of effects over the years…but today, I thought we’d head back to the very beginning, and revisit the one that started it all, one of our favorite pedals ever: the Boss DM-3 Analog Delay. The last analog delay pedal produced by Boss in the ’80s, it has a...

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We’re back in the AVL once again today, keeping it close to home with our buddies down the road, Asheville Guitar Pedals. We checked out their mini 308 Distortion a couple weeks ago, and today we’re looking at the equally powerful Fuzz Driver Distortion. This one has just two control knobs, but the range and gusto trapped in this pedal is unleashed with a serious fury, all while maintaining gorgeous, amp-driving tone. Get...

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We’re back with another TC Electronics pedal today, and, if you like delay pedals, Back To The Future and combining vintage and modern sounds together, you’ll love the 2290 P Dynamic Digital Delay. A faithful recreation of the original rackmount 2290 Digital Delay from the 1980s, equally suited for adding delay to lead guitar tones and rhythmic patterns that can be used to build up powerful and inspirational walls of...

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The entire lineup of UAFX pedals from Universal Audio is amazing, let’s just be honest. With each new release, there’s another options-filled gem that gets our creativity flowing and takes our musical thinking and approach up a notch. Today’s pedal, the Lion ’68 Super Lead Amp, shifts things from a modulation/delay/reverb vibe to some classic amp-pushing, overdriven sounds from decades past… Grab a Lion...

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Today, we’re looking at the AmpRX Brown Box II Input Voltage Attenuator, an electrical unit that provides something often overlooked in the world of tube amplifiers: Correct Power. The basis for any signature world-class tone requires a consistent and dependable signal chain and for that, you need to start at the very beginning – powering your amplifier. The tone and performance of both vintage and modern tube amplifiers...

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Supro Analog Stereo Flanger

Supro Analog Stereo Flanger

Posted By on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 in Analog, Flangers, Supro | 0 comments

In collaboration with our friends at Sweetwater, we’re proud to bring you the Analog Stereo Flanger from Supro! This deep purple beauty offers rich, analog tone that strikes the tonal balance between vintage flanger units and more modern modulation effects, paired with a never-before-offered Dimension switch that yields a striking double-flanger effect. Let’s dive in and see what sonic treasures await… Grab a Supro...

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One of the latest offerings from Universal Audio we’re looking at today is the UAFX Heavenly Plate Reverb, which follows in the massive footsteps of their Golden Reverb release from a couple years back. This smaller but extremely powerful ambient machine has a similar control layout structure to the Evermore Studio Reverb we saw a few weeks ago, for easily dialing in beautiful tones in seconds. This pedal gives you the haunting...

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One of the latest offerings from Universal Audio we’re looking at today is the UAFX Evermore Studio Reverb, which follows in the massive footsteps of their Golden Reverb release from a couple years back. This smaller but extremely powerful ambient machine has a similar control layout structure to the Orion Tape Echo we saw a few weeks ago, for easily dialing in beautiful tones in seconds. This pedal offers authentic emulation of...

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(This article comes from our friends at – check out their site for tons of guitar-related tips and tricks!!) Favorite Pedal Brands for Specific Pedal Types By Shawn Leonhardt for Guitar Tricks and 30 Day Singer, the original platform for online guitar lessons. Of course many guitar effects unit builders create pedals that provide a variety of methods to change the signal. If you like sticking to one brand, that...

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When a huge company like StewMac contacts you and asks if you’d like to demo some gear from them, there’s only one answer: an emphatic YES, PLEASE. Today, we’re going to check out a pedal, yes, but some other guitar-related gear as well, all of which is available on the StewMac website, and all of which can help you greatly improve your tone and unleash your creativity. Lots to get into, let’s do it!! First up,...

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(This article comes from our friends at – check out their site for tons of guitar-related tips and tricks!!) Effects Pedals for the Guitarist Who Has It All By Shawn Leonhardt for Guitar Tricks and 30 Day Singer, the original platform for online guitar lessons. If you’re a guitarist who has moved beyond beginner guitar lessons, you might have all the standard guitar effects pedals you’d need. Now you may be...

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The fine folks at Flamma Innovation are back at it, releasing FIVE new pedals, all of which we’re going to take a look at here at Pedal of the Day. This week, after looking at the FC17 Analog Delay and FC18 Clean Boost, we’ve got the FC19 Black Distortion, a simple but wide-ranging distortion effect that takes your tone to the next level. You might not expect sounds as huge as these to come out of something this small, but...

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The fine folks over at Eventide have been big supporters of Pedal of the Day for years now – we’ve reviewed just about every one of their modern pedals, and have been lucky enough to be included in their last several new release days as well. Today, we’re doing it once again, and with possibly their biggest, most grandiose effects unit to date. The H90 Harmonizer® takes everything that we all love about the...

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Continuing with our second of two new release pedals from our friends at Poison Noises, today we’re excited to bring you The Remnant Tape Delay. A perfect companion to yesterday’s Effluence Spring Reverb, this echo takes you back to the 70s with a quickness, providing classic, vintage delay tones around every turn. Listen for the fluttering echoes of a forgotten era, and follow them to the Remnant… The Remnant...

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After reviewing and demoing the newly released lineup of 15+ pedals from Poison Noises, we thought for sure they were done, but no. Today, we’re bringing you a brand new creation of theirs, The Effluence Spring Reverb. This effect has a great range of reverberation to explore, from simple tone-enhancing settings to full-on, blown out vintage reverb that lingers in your ears forever. Project sound into a reverb-soaked lucid dream...

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A couple months back, we had the distinct pleasure of reviewing and demoing 3 brand new amplifier pedals from our friends at Universal Audio: Dream ’65, Ruby ’63 and Woodrow ’55, all of which were wicked spectacular. Today, we get to revisit more UA gear, this time in the form of three effects: Astra Modulation Machine, Starlight Echo Station and Golden Reverberator. We’ve had our eyes on these for a while, as...

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Boss RE-202 Space Echo

Boss RE-202 Space Echo

Posted By on Monday, October 10, 2022 in Boss, Delay / Reverb, Echo, Preamps | 0 comments

Jumping into a pedal like the Boss RE-202 Space Echo can be tricky – there’s so much going on, and so many sounds to discover, and so much nostalgia surrounding it, it’s a little daunting, to say the least. What we will say right off the bat is that IT IS INCREDIBLE. Ridiculously emulating the classic RE-201 Space Echo, this model brings all of the tone, delay and reverb from the original units to the table, but...

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Well, it appears that the crew at Flamma Innovation are back at it, releasing FIVE new pedals, all of which we’re going to take a look at here at Pedal of the Day. First off, we’ve got the FC17 Analog Delay, a simple but excellent-sounding echo effect that brings warm, vintage analog sound right into your living room, practice space or gig. You know how much we love delay here, no matter how big or small, so this one is,...

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After checking out the incredible 432k Rev2 Distortion a couple months ago, we couldn’t wait to jump back into some more gear from Retro Mechanical Labs. Today’s powerful piece is the Mig Fuzz Special Edition, another big box effects with a ton of options, great dirt tones and, of course, a vintage VU meter on board. Providing a modern sound using vintage parts, this unique creation really gets the musical creativity...

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We love preamp pedals, and we love reverb effects, so what could be better than to have them both in the same place? AND have them modeled after very old, specific circuitry, making the sound unlike any pedal we’ve encountered before? That’s just what has happened with the Nocturne Brain El Pescadoro Reverberant Hot Preamp, an incredible dual channel device that will transport you about 70 years into the past… The El...

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From the Archer Ikon to the El Hombre to the Mr. Moto and beyond, the folks at J. Rockett Audio Designs keep finding ways to pack a whole lot of effect into a small enclosure. This wonderful trend continues today with the .45 Caliber Overdrive, a dirt pedal derived from the classic rhythm playing of Malcolm Young and the face-melting goodness of Pete Townshend. If you’re on the hunt for your next amp-in-a-box pedal, this might...

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