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Search results for Tape

Michael Weavers Christchurch, New Zealand Flux Effects How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I started playing guitar and drums when I was 15. We had a crappy nylon-string acoustic guitar with a cracked neck lying around which I began playing around with. I’d try to play U2 songs off the Joshua Tree album with the 3 chords I had learned. In my late teens I bought a...

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We have lots of fun with our delay pedals here at Pedal of the Day, and today’s classic piece of gear is a favorite on pedalboards throughout the world. Both groundbreaking and inspiring, the Superdelay from Empress Effects does everything from basic delay sounds to outer space-infused tape delays, reverse stuff and much, much more. If you don’t like manuals or experimentation with your delay pedals, you might want to look...

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Michael Parker Seattle, WA – The People’s Republic of the USA I play guitar & keys in the band Pickwick How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I started playing guitar when I was in the 8th grade on a whim. I had a friend who was a drummer and needed some people to jam with. He recruited me basically because I was in the room and had nothing better to do. He...

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Whenever a package arrives carrying ANYTHING from our friends at EarthQuaker Devices, the whole shop seems to light up instantly. Continually reinventing the sonic wheel, Jamie, Julie and the crew keep dazzling our eyes and ears with each new creation, and one of their newest is what we’re going to explore today. The Space Spiral™ is a delay with all the modulation you could want, as well as out-of-control repeats, outer space...

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Mihali Savoulidis Vermont Twiddle How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I’ve been playing guitar since I was 14, but I really had just been playing in my bedroom and writing songs and working on my lead playing. I went to college to form a band and play all these songs I had written during high school, and the end result is Twiddle. I started really gigging out when I was 18,...

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Joshua Scott Kansas City JHS Pedals Instagram @jhspedals Twitter @jhspedals Facebook @jhspedals How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I got into guitar when I was about 14, I think. I can’t remember the year, but I was young enough to be in junior High. My brother, who is ten years older, had the biggest cassette tape collection on God’s green earth. I was at his apartment,...

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If for some reason, you still don’t know about or haven’t experienced any of the sonic marvels that Walrus Audio continually puts out into the effects community, you need to get on that quick (after you read this and watch the demo, of course). For the rest of us, it comes as no surprise that Colt and the crew have come up with an incredible new tremolo to unleash on the world: the Monument Harmonic Tap Tremolo. Featuring...

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My name is Trevor Shelley de Brauw. I’m from Chicago, IL and I perform in: Pelican: RLYR: Chord: And solo: How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I’ve been playing guitar since junior high school. At some point around age twelve or thirteen or so music became a complete...

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Sef, lead guitarist in the band Your Favorite Enemies. Montreal, Quebec, Canada As you can see in some of the pictures, we have the crazy privilege of living in a former catholic church that we turned into our own professional studio a couple of years ago. It’s pretty...

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Mike Beigel Mu-FX Encinitas, CA [Mu-FX by Beigel Sound Lab is a division of Beigel Technology Corp.] How long have you been a musician? How did you get into musical effects in the first place? My main musical training was classical music on clarinet, but I also played Saxophone for a local high school dance band (“The Crescendos”), and for some local rock & roll bands and guitar just for...

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There are pedalboard-friendly pedals, and then there are pedals from Henretta Engineering. These guys take it to a whole new level, throwing all the controls (via trimpots) into enclosures that only measure 2-1/8″ x 2-5/16″, making them the ultimate small sized pedal. Today’s feature pedal of theirs is no different from others we’ve reviewed in the past, except that its a bad-ass delay, and it’s bright...

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Kyle Sipress Niles, Michigan The Devil Wears Prada God Alone How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I was in choir when I was super young, then played saxophone briefly in 5th grade band. I’ve been playing guitar since I was about 12 or 13, so for about 15 years or so. My dad got me a cheap Cort acoustic for Christmas one year and i’ve been playing ever since. When...

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When it comes to delay in general, one of the names that instantly pops into your head is TC Electronic. From the famed 2290 rack units of the 80’s, to all of their newer models, most of which we’ve had the pleasure to review: Flashback, Triple Delay, Alter Ego, Nova Delay and Repeater and so on. Today’s featured pedal is also a delay, and a massive one at that. The Alter Ego x4 Vintage Echo boasts sounds from...

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Weekly Interview 12/14/16: Brent Rademaker

Weekly Interview 12/14/16: Brent Rademaker

Posted By on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in Interviews | 0 comments

Brent Rademaker aka B_RAD GospelbeacH GospelbeacH The Tyde Beachwood Sparks How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I’ve been playing music since the 4th grade…My Dad is a musician (one of the best on the planet) There was always instruments and music in the...

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We had a great time when we reviewed the original version of the Clockwork Delay from GFI System last year, so we were more than stoked to check out the newest model, v2. Building on the incredible first go-round, this next generation pedal takes us into the delay stratosphere, with a ton of presets, tap tempo, stereo input and output, and a whole lot more. Here we go… The Clockwork v2 offers one standard digital delay mode, as...

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What’s better than a killer delay pedal? Well, not much, but they’re even better when there are TWO of them in one box! The Multi Tap 2 Delay sees a collaboration between Hermida Audio and Lovepedal, two excellent pedal builders in their own rights, and proof that sometimes two heads can be better than one. This golden creation was inspired by both the wavering tape delay sounds of the 70’s and the crisp, digital,...

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Sometimes, we come across a pedal that, at first glance, looks like it might be a bit complicated, and we’re gonna have to spend a good deal of time figuring out how it works. Today’s featured pedal, the Chrono Delay DLY-4 is one of these pedals, but it’s a real trickster, as its ease of use and ability to conjure up killer sounds quickly is one of its strengths as an effect, and one we were more than happy to...

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One of our favorite things here at Pedal of the Day is when someone sends us a custom pedal with our logo on it – since we have no clue how to actually BUILD these pedals, seeing our design embossed on an effect is a pretty rare and cool thing that we appreciate a lot. The guys over at PuzzleSounds not only didn’t make us build the Deep Blue Delay they sent us, but they emblazoned it with our signature circle as well,...

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It’s always a welcome sight when a box wrapped in clear Walrus Audio tape shows up on our doorstep, and their latest offering is one for the ages. The 385 Overdrive is actually based off of an old film projector (huh?), giving it a unique sonic flavor and tone. How they replicated this circuit remains a mystery, but we sure had fun putting it through the ringer to see what it could do. Apparently, using tube-powered audio...

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WE LOVE DELAY. Alright, we admit it, happy now? Today’s pedal isn’t going to help to decrease our love of this glorious effect, as it is chock full of killer tones, massive options and both classic and more modern delay sounds. The Magic City Delay comes to us from Swindler Effects, and this particular edition happens to have a bit of a cool design backstory as well. Repeats, Mix and Time are all present as control knobs...

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Jesse Miller Philadelphia, PA Lotus – Octave Cat – Beard-o-Bees – How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? My folks had me in piano lessons when I was young. I think I did that for 5 or 6 years. It did give me a head start on reading music, music theory and basic keyboard skills. In high school, I started...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Marlin M. – find him on Instagram (@goes_by_fish), Twitter (@goes_by_fish) or Facebook (Marlin.Morin)! The NuX Mod Force is a multi effects pedal boasting an impressive 12 modulation types in a compact, pedalboard friendly enclosure. This unit has a full color LCD display (128×128) to adjust parameters for each of the modulation models. These models include chorus, tri chorus,...

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Weekly Interview 9/14/16: Neal Casal

Weekly Interview 9/14/16: Neal Casal

Posted By on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 in Interviews, News | 0 comments

Neal Casal Chris Robinson Brotherhood Hard Working Americans Circles Around The Sun Skiffle Players (with Cass McCombs) Phil Lesh And Friends Gospelbeach   How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I started playing guitar in 1981. I was obsessed with the Rolling Stones and the bands I saw in the Gimme Shelter film....

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Happy Labor Day to all our followers in the United States! Hope you’ll be kicking back with a cold one and some tasty grilled food later on this afternoon, and enjoying the day off (for those of you who have it). In other news…It’s pretty hard not to be impressed by the sheer volume of pedals that come pouring out of the Edmond, OK offices of Keeley Electronics – what’s even more incredible is how...

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Complex delay pedals can be confusing, sometimes hard to figure out and even extremely frustrating, but the payoff for hard work and actually reading the manual will ALWAYS pay off. That said, the Echolution 2 Deluxe Delay from our friends at Pigtronix features a more-than-slight learning curve, but it also packed with options and delay sounds not heard very often, in any pedal or context. This delay is set up sort of like other delay...

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Andy Fuchs Fuchs Audio Technology/Plush FX Pedals Div. 407 Getty Ave Second Floor West Clifton NJ 07011 973-772- 4420 How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I started messing with a broken old Eminee plastic guitar I found in the basement of my families music store when I was about ten. I guess around 14 or 15 years old I’d been playing flute in the school band...

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One of the most anticipated effects of 2016 has got to be today’s featured piece of gear, and rightly so on all accounts. The Nemesis Delay from Source Audio combines vintage analog and tape sounds with pitch-shifting abilities, modulation, MIDI, tap tempo and more. All crammed into a super pedalboard-friendly enclosure, this delay was three years in the making, and the final results are nothing short of astounding. Let’s...

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After a quick day off yesterday to move the shop, we’re back with a bang! From the insanely talented and innovative brain of our pal Joel Korte over at Chase Bliss Audio comes one of the most talked-about and anticipated effects pedals of 2016. The Tonal Recall Analog Delay not only manages to squish a TON of options into a regular-sized, pedalboard-friendly pedal, but takes the entire genre, dumps it on its head and reinvents...

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Dave Schools Widespread Panic (Modulus Q-6 basses, D’Addario strings) IG: @widespreadpanichq IG: @dashole Hard Working Americans (Modulus Jazz, G&L L-2000, Epiphone Jack Casady basses, D’Addario, LaBella tape wound strings) IG: @hwamericans How long have you been a musician? How did you get...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Corey F. – find him on Instagram (@ScrambleTheFitz), Facebook (Cantharone) and on his band’s website (Cantharone). An extremely interesting and versatile take on bucket brigade type analog delay. The Lunar Echo from the now non-operational DMB Audio will keep you tweaking its knobs for hours on end. To start, it is a fairly normal analog delay with a max 500ms delay time. Within...

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In today’s crazy world of delay pedals, with all the tricks and secrets and incredible things they can now do, it’s sometimes nice to have a simple, laid-back delay pedal, capable of subtle tones and monstrous adventure at the same time. Today’s featured pedal is just that, as are most of the pedals from Mantic Effects. The Isaiah Delay is a three-knob echo beast, producing an over-the-top amount of noise and fun,...

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Combining effects into one sweet box is always a welcome sight, don’t you think? Boost/Drive, Drive/Compressor, Fuzz/Tremolo (check out the Troctave) and the classic Delay/Reverb, which is the combo featured in today’s pedal. Lone Wolf Audio has been creating far-out, inventive and certainly unique pedals for some time now, and the Full Nelson Delay Reverb is yet another killer effect in a killer long list of their killer...

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One of the first “transparent” overdrives we reviewed here at Pedal of the Day was the EM Drive from Emerson Custom, and that awesome pedal is still spotted on a TON of pedalboards. Stepping up their game a little bit, and getting into a bit dirtier territory, the crew at Emerson designed a completely original circuit, and turned it into a pedal that is great as a mid-gain or second stage overdrive. Here is the Paramount...

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Boss DD-500 Digital Delay

Boss DD-500 Digital Delay

Posted By on Monday, March 7, 2016 in Boss, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

The Boss family of stompbox delays have been a staple on many, many pedalboards since the inception of the DM-1 Delay Machine way back in 1978, especially the DD series, which features the DD-3, DD-5, DD-6, DD-7 and the DD-20 (click each one for our reviews). In keeping with the tradition, but stepping up the game immensely, Boss has created a delay that will rival anything out on the pedal market today: the DD-500 Digital Delay....

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Continuing our look at analog delay pedals this week, today we take a look at another incredible pedal, one that features the analog warmth and dirtiness we all love, plus controls for modulation, making it even more fun to use. The Supa-Puss™ Analog Delay from Way Huge Electronics not only sounds like a classic analog delay, but has some excellent modern features to make it a great delay hybrid. Plus, you can get up to 900ms of...

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DOD FX96 Echo FX Analog Delay

DOD FX96 Echo FX Analog Delay

Posted By on Thursday, February 25, 2016 in Delay / Reverb, DOD, Echo | 1 comment

With so many new effects with so many functions and big learning curves, it’s nice to come across an older pedal that has a couple simple knobs and sounds just fantastic, without having a bunch of bells and whistles. Today’s featured pedal, the FX96 Echo FX Analog Delay from DOD was produced way back in the ancient year of 1997, and was billed as a modern improvement on classic tape echo machines like the Binson Echorec...

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If you want originality in your pedals, one company you can always rely on to come through in the clutch is Dwarfcraft Devices from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Mainly fuzz and octave-based for the majority of their lineup, today’s featured pedal sees them jumping into a new genre, one that’s our favorite here at Pedal of the Day: delay. Not just any delay, of course – the Minivan Echo conjures up analog tones of the past,...

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How does one company manage to craft not ONE, not even TWO, but THREE of the most-used and highly regarded delay pedals in existence? Starting from scratch and perfecting Version One, that’s how. Although the Memory Lane 2 might be generally regarded as a better machine, and the Memory Lane Jr. might appear on more pedalboards throughout the world, it all started with today’s featured pedal, the Memory Lane Analog Delay...

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Today’s wicked rad and partially insane pedal is of the delay variety – a shocker, I’m sure, given how much we love delay around here. This one really steps it up a notch, though, and introduces some great features to accentuate and exasperate your delayed tone, feel and sound. DigiTech has been immersed in the delay world for years now, and the TimeBender Digital Delay might just be their most complex and...

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Source Audio Mercury Flanger

Source Audio Mercury Flanger

Posted By on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 in Flangers, Source Audio | 0 comments

The gang over at Source Audio has been creating some unique musical gear since their inception in 2005, and their lineup of One Series pedals have taken the guitar community by storm. Seemingly simple in layout and design, these pedals house some secret functions and sounds that really make them stand out from the crowd. Today’s featured pedal just happens to be one from the One Series, the Mercury Flanger, which has a ton of...

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When it comes to compact, simple delay pedals, you usually only have the option for one specific sound for each pedal: analog, digital, warm, crisp, dark, etc., resulting in the delay section of your pedalboard constantly having to expand. Well, the crew at Alexander Pedals and Chicago Music Exchange have created a pedal that will trim down that portion of your board immensely, with a full spectrum of delay tones from classic decades...

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The crew at TC Electronic has had a long-standing reputation for building some truly innovative and awe-inspiring delays, and possibly the best delay ever in the 2290 Dynamic Digital Delay. Shrinking the principles and options down to fit into a smaller enclosure that fits nicely onto a pedalboard, they’ve created the Nova Delay, a compact delay full of sonic options and tones for days – all the best features of the old...

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Today, we’ve got another awesome addition to our guest reviewer series, this time it’s Rob Compa from the excellent band Dopapod! I’d like to say thanks to him for taking some time out and writing this review on a very rare and unique pedal, looking forward to more reviews in the future, Rob! Enough of my spiel, here’s what Rob has to say: Hey guys! About a year ago, I finally got to that point where my...

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Guess what? We’re going to review another delay today, making it three in a row (like we’ve said before, we love some delay around here). This one is a truly unique delay, however, one that you’ve probably not seen the likes of before, although I’m sure you’ve heard about it in recent years. Fairfield Circuitry is in a constant state of innovation, with each new pedal they put out topping the previous,...

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Ibanez AD9 Analog Delay

Ibanez AD9 Analog Delay

Posted By on Monday, November 16, 2015 in Delay / Reverb, Ibanez | 1 comment

Once again, a highly sought-after delay is on today’s featured pedal menu, because delays are awesome, as you should well know by now. In a world full of overpriced “vintage” gear, there are still a few delay pedals who can boast that they are classics, they sound incredible and their prices are not even close to wiping out your bank account, as some others can be. The one we’re discussing today is that big,...

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Simplicity can be a powerful weapon in today’s pedal world, where some manuals tend to read like a Tolstoy novel. The ability to be able to sit down with a pedal and GO, without having to read a bunch first, can be key to gear working it’s way into your rig. Not that the big boys don’t have their place, of course they do, but sometime you just want a couple of knobs that make beautiful noise, and that’s all you...

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Delays that have some kind of modulation incorporated with them have been my favorites for a long time, and I’m always intrigued with each new one, to see what differences and similarities they might share will others I’ve played in the past. The first version of the Reptile Delay is the one we’re gonna check out today, and although there’s a newer model, the Reptile 2, the original is still highly regarded on...

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Nick and the crew at Greer Amps have been putting out some incredible dirt pedals over the last few years, but with today’s pedal, they’re veered a bit off course into the world of delay, which I (and other fans of theirs) couldn’t be happier about. The Black Tiger Delay Device is a relatively simple delay, but has great tone, like all Greer pedals, and provides the perfect amount of tone-enhancement to make your rig...

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Have you been searching for a delay that has a ton of sonic options, but a small pedalboard footprint? One that has a switchable boost section for you to power through those killer solos with? One that has optional Vibrato and Flanger modes, for thick and tasty delays across the board? One that has tap tempo AND switchable note subdivisions? Well, if you thought something this fantastic couldn’t possibly exist, you’ve...

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Delay, delay, delay! We love it here at Pedal of the Day, and you probably do, too (and if you don’t, you should). With so many delay pedal options flooding the pedal marketplace these days, it’s fun discover a simple, low-time delay that does only a couple of things, but does them extremely well. In steps the Aqua-Puss™ MkII Analog Delay from Dunlop / Way Huge Electronics, and puts a big, fat, delay-induced smile right...

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