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Search results for Oscillation

As far as delay pedals are concerned, I LOVE THEM. My current board boasts 6 Delays, and regardless of what you think, I use them all, and they all produce different sonic results for me, hence the exuberant number of them. The latest addition is the Memory Lane Jr. from Diamond Pedals, and what an addition it has been. A ton of options engulf this pedal, and the sonic properties that it produces are nothing short of astonishing. A...

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Reverb. Most people love it, though there are a few haters out there. I, personally, think it’s a fantastic effect, and love how it works in so many settings. Just a touch adds that little glimmer to your sound, barely noticeable to the common ear, while a full-on cranked spring reverb will elicit some wildly imaginative and out-of-this-world and crazy tones. The good reverb pedals can do both, as is the case here with the Surf...

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Delays are probably my favorite effect on the planet. I have a vast collection of them, and each one is unique in it’s own right, no matter how similar they may seem. I love running across hidden delay gems as well, and a prime example of this is the Cosmo Delay from Garland Guitar Services. I happened upon this at my favorite gear-buying site, and the price was just too good to pass up, even though I could find absolutely ZERO...

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This pedal is a mammoth of an effect, both is actual size and sonic ability. Pigtronix has been leading the way in making some incredibly uncommon and exciting pedals for years now, and although the newer version has more bells and whistles, this first version of the Echolution Tap Tempo Analog Delay with Modulation is a beast in it’s own right, not an effects pedal to be taken lightly, or turn your back on, ’cause you...

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These pedals from Sublime Guitar Company are really rocking my world lately, and the Pep-Pep Delay is another awesome piece of gear from this Florida company. In our current world of massive, complicated and sometimes frustrating delays, the Pep-Pep is a welcome breath of fresh air, and while it might not be able to do everything those other delays can, it will add character and stunning texture to your guitar’s tone. This is a...

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Immediately upon viewing the Fuzzrocious Pedals’ website, I knew they were doing some pretty inventive and creative things with their effects pedals, strictly from the artwork and amount of knobs alone. The Grey Stache is my first foray into their world of gear, and it is a monster. Plus, you can add any number of mods to make yours a custom job, and get it sounding exactly like you want. Let’s check it out! My demo...

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The Nebula from Noisemaker Effects is a pint-sized dual pedal, offering both Reverb and Delay, plus the option to use both simultaneously. If you put it onto your board vertically, it’s not much wider than a standard Boss pedal, making it ideal for space-saving, and producing some nice tones as well. The left side (Reverb) features 3 control knobs: Reverb, Feedback B and Mix B. Reverb controls the amount of the effect...

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Strymon Brigadier dBucket Delay

Strymon Brigadier dBucket Delay

Posted By on Sunday, September 14, 2014 in Delay / Reverb, Strymon | 0 comments

It seems as though Strymon has become an absolutely dominating force amongst guitarists and their pedalboards as of late, and there’s a reason. Besides making space-age looking, beautiful, intelligent pedals, they have created some of the coolest sounds you could want coming through your amp, and the Brigadier dBucket Delay is a prime example of their craftsmanship and skill. As soon as you plug this guy in, you can feel...

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From chorus, slap-back delay, pitch shifting, to oscillation, the Rainbow Machine from EarthQuaker Devices delivers! For explorers and mad scientists, rays of sounds instantly fill their little hearts with 100% pure joy. With tons of knobs to turn, one could spend hours playing around with the Rainbow Machine. Great, subtle sounds to crazy, crazy noises, and yet, so musical and useful. Also, girls like how pretty it looks…...

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I have always liked to see an Analog Delay pedal with the ability to do Tap Tempo – don’t you? Aside from having that functionality, the ES2 Echo Shifter from Ibanez can do lots of other cool stuff, including oscillation, modulation and a slew of warm delay and echo setting that will leave you speechless. All this in a nice, small enclosure for board real estate…this is gonna be fun. The ES2 looks a bit futuristic,...

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Boy, this is a fun pedal to sit down with and fiddle for hours! The original Panther Analog Delay seemed so big and complicated, I shied away from it. But when JHS Pedals announced the Panther Cub was to be released, I was extremely excited indeed, and couldn’t wait to try it out. It looked so small, so simple, yet could do wonders and take you on a sonic delay-infused journey you weren’t soon to return from…or so I...

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Just opening the box containing the Sputnik Germanium Fuzz pedal from Spaceman Effects was quite a thrill. I love how they make everything so shiny and sparkly, making you feel just a wee bit better about how much you just spent on an effects pedal. The silver bag makes it seem like you’re opening a window into space, about to be launched into the sonic atmosphere at breakneck speeds, and leaving all other guitarists’...

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The Echo Machine+ from Greyscale Devices is truly a one-of-a-kind echo/delay pedal, with a couple of unexpected and awesome additions that aren’t found very often on delay pedals, as far as I have seen, anyway. A nice, big, silver metal box houses an array of wires and circuits, all working in conjunction to form a unique, spacey, trippy, echo/delay sound that sure to add a whole new dimension of depth to your overall sound. TWO...

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Wow. Where to begin with this guy? First off, Dwarfcraft Devices make pedals that make noise, and I mean that in the best possible way. Their little metal enclosures are no for the weak-hearted, or those who are looking to preserve their pristine hearing ability. They are good at what they do, and a shining example of that is the incredible Hax Ring Modulator. A true sonically experimental beast, the Hax conjures up a multitude of...

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Today we’ve got a great, unique little fuzz box from Vaux Flores in Baltimore, Maryland: the Gold Standard Fuzz. Now, it should be noted that this is a thick, mean, buzz saw, in-your-face fuzz box. Not for the tame. Not for the meek. Get ready for a true adventure in fuzzdom. The Gold Standard is a 3-transistor fuzz adapted from VauxFlores’ Number 24, but with a different set of transistors and set bias controls for a...

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The Echophonic Jr Delay from Lovepedal is like no delay I’ve come across yet. The control knobs are simple enough: Delay, Time, Volume, Repeats and Modulation. However, they work together in such a way that the sonic possibilities seem, well, endless. The ‘Delay’ knob allows the signal to go from All Wet to All Dry, which provides a huge range of tones right off the bat. You can adjust the amount of delay you want...

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