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DAG Pedals Supamodel MkIII Fuzz

DAG Pedals Supamodel MkIII Fuzz

Posted By on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 in DAG Pedals, Fuzz | 0 comments

Fuzz pedals just put a big smile on your face, don’t they? If not, you need to work on that, but for the rest of us, there are fuzzy gems like today’s featured pedal, the Supamodel MkIII Fuzz from DAG Pedals on the Island of Mallorca. Tall and slender, but beefy and tough just the same, this pedal exudes a tremendous amount of fuzz with ease, and will slip onto any pedalboard with ease as well. Three controls make up this...

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In today’s crazy world of delay pedals, with all the tricks and secrets and incredible things they can now do, it’s sometimes nice to have a simple, laid-back delay pedal, capable of subtle tones and monstrous adventure at the same time. Today’s featured pedal is just that, as are most of the pedals from Mantic Effects. The Isaiah Delay is a three-knob echo beast, producing an over-the-top amount of noise and fun,...

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Finding new ways to shape, twist and explore different genres of pedals is basically EarthQuaker Devices’ specialty, so it comes as no surprise that their latest take on the classic reverb sound is nothing short of brilliant. The Levitation Reverb is modeled after their own Ghost Echo pedal, which provides a vintage spring reverb sound and a ton of atmospheric tones, but with a new control panel and features. With more control...

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The last couple of pedals we’ve reviewed have had a sort-of similar theme: expanding on and being more creative towards traditional pedals and the way they look or function. While there are a lot of reverb pedals with tons of functionality and options available today, it would be hard to find one with as many sounds to choose from in as small of an enclosure that the Amethyst Reverb Mini from Classic Audio Effects is able to do,...

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Boss DM-2 Analog Delay

Boss DM-2 Analog Delay

Posted By on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 in Boss, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

When you picture a list of classic analog delay effects in your mind, today’s featured pedal is almost always going to pop up on that list. The DM-2 Analog Delay from Boss has a simple layout, but there is a massive analog beast of a delay hiding behind that off-pink exterior. Starting things off, Repeat Rate controls the repetition rate of the delayed effect. Echo adjusts the output level of the echo, which you can get to...

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Maxon AD999 Analog Delay

Maxon AD999 Analog Delay

Posted By on Sunday, February 14, 2016 in Delay / Reverb, Godlyke, Maxon | 0 comments

Happy Valentine’s Day, pedal people! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get down to some serious delay business, cool? Is there a better way to celebrate this most joyous of fake holidays than with a giant, pink pedal? I don’t think so, no. Maxon has been in the mix as far as killer analog delays are concerned for years, and today’s pedal is absolute echo beast, full of bold delay tones, classic sounds...

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If you want originality in your pedals, one company you can always rely on to come through in the clutch is Dwarfcraft Devices from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Mainly fuzz and octave-based for the majority of their lineup, today’s featured pedal sees them jumping into a new genre, one that’s our favorite here at Pedal of the Day: delay. Not just any delay, of course – the Minivan Echo conjures up analog tones of the past,...

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How does one company manage to craft not ONE, not even TWO, but THREE of the most-used and highly regarded delay pedals in existence? Starting from scratch and perfecting Version One, that’s how. Although the Memory Lane 2 might be generally regarded as a better machine, and the Memory Lane Jr. might appear on more pedalboards throughout the world, it all started with today’s featured pedal, the Memory Lane Analog Delay...

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The Flanger effect is one of the most recognizable in all the land, and one that generally is not in the forefront of a lot of music these days (or, in the past, either, really). Sort of an oddball effect, the lone kid on the playground that’s kinda weird and is sometimes difficult to approach, flanging is mostly used in very specific settings, and even then only for short bursts or passages. Until now. Joel Korte and the team...

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One of the favorite reverb pedals we’ve had the privilege of reviewing here at Pedal of the Day is the Surf Rider III from SolidGoldFX, so we were pretty stoked to try out one of their delays, the ElectroMan. Boasting some cool features and incredible sound, this delay will add new dimension to your guitar’s sound, and make you more inclined to push some sonic boundaries you never thought possible before. The control panel...

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In reviewing so many pedals, there can be periods where a group of effects all seem really similar, and although they may have slight differences, they feel like pedals we might have already reviewed before. There are, however, some pedal production companies who really set themselves apart from the rest, in terms of innovation, creativity and all-out awesomeness. A couple that come to mind off the bat are Red Panda, Dwarfcraft...

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Well, it’s official: Reverb has been creeping up into our subconscious for a while now, and it has firmly planted itself in the Number Two spot on the list of effects we love the most right now (Delay is Number One, and that will probably always remain). That said, when the opportunity to snatch up a Proverb Reverb from Mantic Effects came up, it was a basic no-brainer, as they create some of the most unique and wacky pedals out...

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Infanem Small Echo Array

Infanem Small Echo Array

Posted By on Saturday, December 19, 2015 in Delay / Reverb, Echo, Infanem | 0 comments

The folks at Infanem just keep bringing it, man, and today’s pedal is one of their best yet. Most of their pedals we’re had the privilege to review have tended to be on the heavier side – distortions, fuzzes, etc., but this one is a complete flip of those pedals, and an awesome delay in it’s own right. The Small Echo Array has a bunch of features that make it stand out from the delay pedal pack, but no so...

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What happens when a company runs out of an important piece of the sonic puzzle that has been used in manufacturing one of their most popular pedals? The price of the ones already in existence goes through the roof, which happens to be the case with today’s pedal, the absolutely fantastic Moogerfooger MF-104M Delay, the final pedal of our “Moog Week” run here at Pedal of the Day. This all-analog delay is no longer in...

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Moog Moogerfooger MF-103 12-Stage Phaser

Moog Moogerfooger MF-103 12-Stage Phaser

Posted By on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 in Moog, Phasers | 0 comments

Our second entry for “Moog Week” brings us into spacey, trippy, sci-fi territory, a place we love to be. Boldly going where no phaser has gone before (hehe), the MF-103 12-Stage from Moog represents everything that you’ve always wanted in a phaser pedal, but didn’t even know existed. Featuring Moog’s signature array of controls, sounds and available customization to each pedal, this MF-103 will leave you...

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Moog Minifooger MF Delay

Moog Minifooger MF Delay

Posted By on Monday, December 14, 2015 in Delay / Reverb, Moog | 0 comments

Today marks the start of our “Moog Week” here at Pedal of the Day. All this week, we’re going to be checking out some of the coolest pedals that Moog has got to offer, and since the rest of them are all Moogerfoogers, we’re going to jump into this with our lone Minifooger for the week, the all-analog MF Delay. Smaller in size than the larger Moogerfoogers, these Minifoogers are great if you need to save some...

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Infanem 141G Fuzz

Infanem 141G Fuzz

Posted By on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 in Fuzz, Infanem | 0 comments

Having reviewed a number of their pedals, I think it’s safe to say that the crew over at Infanem (Instruments For A New Electric Music) make some of my favorite pedals ever. Wildly inventive and a lot of time out-of-this-world, they take on fuzzes, phasers, delays and more, much to the delight of myself and many others throughout the pedal-playing community. Today’s pedal is the 141G, a tough monster of a fuzz, with fairly...

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Ibanez AD9 Analog Delay

Ibanez AD9 Analog Delay

Posted By on Monday, November 16, 2015 in Delay / Reverb, Ibanez | 1 comment

Once again, a highly sought-after delay is on today’s featured pedal menu, because delays are awesome, as you should well know by now. In a world full of overpriced “vintage” gear, there are still a few delay pedals who can boast that they are classics, they sound incredible and their prices are not even close to wiping out your bank account, as some others can be. The one we’re discussing today is that big,...

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Nick and the crew at Greer Amps have been putting out some incredible dirt pedals over the last few years, but with today’s pedal, they’re veered a bit off course into the world of delay, which I (and other fans of theirs) couldn’t be happier about. The Black Tiger Delay Device is a relatively simple delay, but has great tone, like all Greer pedals, and provides the perfect amount of tone-enhancement to make your rig...

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Titan. The largest moon of the planet Saturn OR one of the coolest delays we here at Pedal of the Day have ever come across? Well, you’re both right, congrats! Red Witch Pedals have always been able to create very articulate and impressive pedals, and the Titan Triple Delay is no exception. Featuring THREE independent delays, you can just imagine where this pedal will take you…to the moon and back (pun most definitely...

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Don’t you just love to hear the sound of a good tape echo delay coming out of your amplifier, or stereo speakers, or a YouTube video? Of course you do, we all do! Problem is, to be able to get that authentic sound, you have to find AND be able to purchase a big, clunky machine, which may or may not even work properly, then take a short 6 week course on how to use it, switch tapes and keep up the general maintenance of the unit....

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Delay, delay, delay! We love it here at Pedal of the Day, and you probably do, too (and if you don’t, you should). With so many delay pedal options flooding the pedal marketplace these days, it’s fun discover a simple, low-time delay that does only a couple of things, but does them extremely well. In steps the Aqua-Puss™ MkII Analog Delay from Dunlop / Way Huge Electronics, and puts a big, fat, delay-induced smile right...

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Have you always been kind of jealous of the keyboardist or bass player in your band? The ones who get to make a ton of funky, low-end, synthesizer sounds that harken back to the 70s, that you just can’t seem to reproduce just using a guitar and amp? Well, now you can be the funk master, thanks to the Octasynth Octave Synthesizer pedal from SubDecay. This little box produces buzzy, funk-filled sub-octave notes and glitches,...

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I love it when pedals throw something wacky, funky or unexpected at you, to keep you on your toes, and use effects to expand the range of the music you produce. The gang over at Main.Ace.FX have done just that, and this happens to be one of their TAMER pedals. An excellent example of a simple overdrive/distortion/freak box, I present to you the One Shot. Utilizing not one but TWO Gain controls is where the fun begins with the One...

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Many times on a pedalboard, simplicity can be your closest friend. Take, for example, the Mockingbird 3-knob Delay pedal from Backwoods Music. One of the newest additions to their sonic lineup, the Mockingbird will give you a wide range of delay tones, lengths and sounds in a neat-and-tidy, compact, pedalboard-friendly package, without sacrificing any tone, clarity or build quality whatsoever. Mix, Feedback and Delay make up the basic...

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Review episode Number Three of this “Fly Boys Week” takes our sonic adventures down a different path. The third pedal in this series from Totally Wycked Audio is the FB-03 Echo, a small and powerful delay pedal that works great for multiple musical applications. This little digital delay produces a bright and shiny echo sound, which works as a perfect companion to a darker analog delay in your chain. Sporting a maximum...

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Having already reviewed the Memory Lane Jr. and Quantum Leap delay pedals from Diamond, I wasn’t quite sure what else they could do with their delay line, but thought I would check out the Counter Point anyway. Let me tell you, this is a beast of another kind, with new and wonderful differences from the other two, but still invoking that same sonic structure and delight that Diamond gives out with all of their pedals. And...

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Strymon Orbit dBucket Flanger

Strymon Orbit dBucket Flanger

Posted By on Sunday, August 2, 2015 in Flangers, Strymon | 0 comments

There are a couple of pedals from Strymon that are currently in high demand almost everywhere you look: the TimeLine, BigSky, Flint and BlueSky are on a TON of pedalboards throughout the world, and rightfully so, as all three are tops in their respective pedal fields. However, Strymon does actually make more than those 3 pedals, believe it or not, and we’re going to check one out today – get ready for the Orbit dBucket...

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I’ve always liked the sound of a cool flanger pedal ripping through an amp, mine or someone else’s, it doesn’t matter. That jet stream whoooosh and whirl, especially when mixed in with some nice overdrive, really puts a fat ole smile right on my face. I’m also a fan of TC Electronic’s TonePrint series, so I was excited to test out a pedal I hadn’t really heard too much about, the Vortex Flanger....

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The previous pedals we’ve reviewed from our friends over at Center Street Electronics have been some of the most innovative and fun pedals we have ever delved into, and they all had a common theme: heavy. Fuzz, Drive and Distortion was the name of the game with those other pedals, so the new and improved StellarVerb was an interesting transition, and a nice and inspiring one at the same time. The new version of this classic...

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We recently reviewed the 24K Reverb pedal from our friends at Outlaw Effects,and today we have the pleasure of testing out another of their rad little creations, the Quick Draw Delay. This thing is little, but as usual with these types of space-savers, don’t let the size fool you. This delay packs a wallop and will destroy everything in its path…well, not really, but it’s a great delay nonetheless. The Quick Draw...

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Looking for a great analog delay pedal? Check out the Seymour Duncan Vapor Trail. It offers a wide variety of delay options and can even give subtle chorus and rotating speaker tones when tweaked properly. The specs of the pedal are as follows: – Mix knob – Repeat knob – Delay knob (Includes tempo LED) – Rate knob – Depth knob – Status LED – Input and Output jacks – 9V adaptor plug...

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I love a good delay pedal, and today’s version has some excellent features, good options and some wicked rad modulation as well: the Deluxe Memory Boy Analog Delay from Electro-Harmonix. I know, I know, the Memory MAN is the one you’re supposed to get, being a classic and all, but I wanted to see what EHX was up to recently in their delay department, and was definitely not disappointed. Let’s start off with the basic...

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Here at Pedal of the Day, we’ve reviewed a couple of pedals from our friends over at Taurus Pedals, and they were some heavy-hitting monsters! The 90 LB Hamster Distortion and the Pi Fuzz were beasts, forces to be reckoned with (in the best of ways, mind you), so it’s quite a welcome shift that they have decided to delve into the world of delay, and have sent us their first offering to check out: the Acid Reflux Delay....

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The Spring Chicken Reverb pedal from Malekko Heavy Industry looks like a normal, simple, one-knob pedal. Nothing too fancy, easy to use, and it can probably only create one or two useable sounds, right? WRONG. This deceiving little gem packs a reverberated wallop, especially when utilizing the “secret” knob on the side that you may have already overlooked…you did, didn’t you? Told ya. This pedal is no one-hit...

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Analog Delay. There’s something special about it, you’re never quite sure what it is, but it makes you feel warm and comforted right down to your core. While there are a lot of digital delays still in production, analog has made a bit of a resurgence in the last decade or so, with new and better options arriving on the market year after year. One of those happens to be the AD4096 from Endangered Audio Research. Where to...

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Shift Line Termofuzz

Shift Line Termofuzz

Posted By on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 in Fuzz, Shift Line | 0 comments

Most fuzz boxes that I’ve come across do a pretty decent fuzz – ONE fuzz. Not known as the most versatile of pedals, while there are some that can get pretty nuts, the majority are usually just really good at the one fuzz sound they do. The Termofuzz from Shift Line seeks to change all that, with a selector knob that allows a vast number of different fuzzy tones to come pouring out of your amplifier. The Termofuzz has a...

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I really dig the fact that more and more delay pedals are coming out that include the option of some type of added modulation. Not that this is a super-new idea, mind you, but I like that it has caught on, and that there are some great options for pseudo-tape delays out there now, most for a reasonable price. If the old machines weren’t so huge and so expensive, we’d all have one, but alas, that is not the case. One of...

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A good echo pedal should first sound good, then maybe have a cool feature or two, and finally look cool. Ok, so the last one doesn’t really count, but it’s always a bonus, right? Fortunately, the Fuzzy Memory (V2) from Escape Plan Pedals has all of these characteristics, which makes for a good test time and fun review session. The Fuzzy Memory is a lo-fi delay that maxes out at 350ms of delayed time. That short time span...

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I dig pretty much every type of pedal out there today, but if there’s one kind of effect I have more of, use more of and love the most, it’s got to be the almighty Delay. They can be extremely simple, adding just a touch of color to your sound, extremely complex, with a multitude of bells and whistles, or fall somewhere in between the two. While the B-304 Analog/Hybrid Delay from Big Joe Stomp Box Company is relatively...

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The stompboxes being put out over at Hungry Robot Pedals have really been coming on strong as of late, and their Hungry Robot Dual Overdrive is not likely to leave my board anytime soon. As for today’s review, HRP’s first foray into the world of delay is a good one, a no frills, basic delay that echoes (no pun intended) the tape machines and analog delays of ages past. Although the Moby Dick emulates the sounds and tones...

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FoxPedal Magnifica Reverb

FoxPedal Magnifica Reverb

Posted By on Saturday, April 11, 2015 in Delay / Reverb, FoxPedal | 0 comments

There are a lot of choices when it comes to how you can get a reverberated signal these days for guitar players: some simple, some overly complex and some that fall somewhere in the middle of the sonic spectrum. Although the pedals with tons of bells and whistles can be super-fun, and definitely have their place in today’s pedalboard arsenals, it’s nice to kick back with a basic reverb pedal that just focuses on great...

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A pedal this size is bound to be intimidating, at least a little, to even the most experienced of pedal users (even me). However, The Swell Reverb/Delay from Midnight 30 Music takes a couple of great pedals and combines them into one great-looking enclosure, allowing you to mix-n-match tones and sonic soundscapes every and any which way you choose to, with great depth, clarity and presence. The first pedal on the far left is the...

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Rarely does a pedal completely take me by surprise, to where I’m dumbfounded, amazed and excited all at the same time. The cats over at Center Street Electronics have managed to confound me with their weird, awesome fuzz oscillator pedal, appropriately named God Hates Fuzz. An ordinary fuzz pedal this is not; an extremely fun piece of musical equipment, it is. Basically, all the controls MUST work together to make up this...

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The Last Adam LM308 Distortion pedal is a vintage RAT clone with an added Feedback Loop…but it’s also so much more. Will over at Will Sledge FX made this one pedal, the only one of it’s kind, and now I am the proud owner of the LONE VERSION of this incredible stompbox, which I’m pretty excited about. Anyone who bothers to sit down and actually read the reviews I do knows that I love a good crazy, off-the-wall...

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I bought a Moogerfooger MF-103 12-Stage Phaser back in the mid-2000s, and for some dumb reason, decided to sell it (I think I was short on rent). Regardless of why, I have been missing that void in my musical life for a decade…until a week ago, when another one arrived on my doorstep (complete with expression pedal this time). This phaser is just incredible, as are most toys from Moog, and I had as much fun rediscovering this...

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Delays have long been a favorite effect of mine, and I always like to see pedal companies take them in new and interesting directions. Red Witch Pedals has done just that with the first pedal in their new Chrome series: the Violetta Delay. Though it looks small, this little shiny beauty has a lot of options and great sounds sure to please any delay fan. If you’re looking for space-saving pedals, the Violetta is the way to go. I...

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Opening the box to the SwirlPool Tremolo/Vibrato from Amptweaker was immediately daunting. So many knobs and switches, 2 effects loops, a weird fat switch right in the middle: what had I gotten myself into? Turns out, looks can be deceiving…but not really in this case. This pedal has a learning curve, for sure, but it’s super fun to figure out, and even more rewarding when you get there. Right off the bat, I had to dig up...

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The Ekko 616 Dark Delay from Malekko Heavy Industry is my first real foray into the “dark” delay territory, and this is a cool way to start. There are a lot of option in this really nicely-sized pedal, and it looks sinister as hell, too. It even took me a minute to figure out which controls were which, as I couldn’t really see their labels on the deep, glossy black background. The first main control is Time, which...

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The old tube tape echo machines are responsible for some of the greatest sounds ever put on tape, with works by artists such as Chet Atkins, Miles Davis, Eric Johnson, Randy Rhodes and Andy Summers, to name a few. The Magnetic Echo from Keeley Electronics aims to recreate those classic echo tones, and actually studied an old Echoplex EP-3 and a Roland RE-301 Space Echo to tap into the sounds of those 2 great machines. All housed in a...

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