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Search results for Oscillation

There are times when we receive a box in the mail here at the office, open it up and just say “WOW.” Today’s pedal did exactly that to us, in an awesome and slightly unnerving way. The Schumann PLL Analog Harmonizer from FTelettronica Pedals is an absolute beast, full of more options than any pedal probably should have, sending your signal into the far reaches of space and beyond. Taking the input, turning it into a...

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The small, powerful, one-button effects pedals from Henretta Engineering have been some of our favorites over the years, but we also like it when they combine a couple of ’em into one slightly larger enclosure. Recently, we saw the power of the Lake Effect, which combined their Bluebird Fuzz and Crimson Tremolo, as well as the Planetarium, which paired up the Moody Blue Reverb and Golden Years Phaser. Today, we bring you another...

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Let’s be honest: ring modulators are just not for everyone. However, for those of us that love innovation, chaotic noise and aggressively distorted sounds, you can’t go wrong when in this genre of effects. The original Gonkulator from DOD was released in the 90’s, and has become somewhat of a cultish, sought-after pedal, which usually leads to becoming overpriced and difficult to obtain. Luckily, for a little while...

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If you’ve had the chance to check out our series “The Klone Wars” on YouTube, you may have noticed a pedal called the Pegasus from a company called Caline. This overdrive not only holds its own against some of the more well-known klones out there, it also proves that you don’t have to be expensive to sound fantastic. Today, we’ve got another budget-friendly effect from Caline, this time in the form of a...

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Delay is probably our favorite type of effect here at Pedal of the Day, and it’s always interesting to see the different ways companies come up with to produce echo sounds. Some are straightforward, some come with 1,000 different options, and some, like the Cusack Music TME, are a nice mix of bold tones and easy controls. This blue-green little gem packs a punch into a small enclosure, sporting just 3 control knobs and one...

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Loophole Pedals thrives on their ability to navigate the unique tones these delay produce and add useful, thoughtful and exciting mods to them, turning an already great pedal into an exquisite one. Today we’re going to check out the TC Electronic Alter Ego x4 Vintage Delay Looper, and see what a few simple mods can do to really open up this marvelous effect. Here’s what Loophole Pedals did to our lovely Alter Ego x4: Footswitch...

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The DD series of delay pedals from Boss is arguably one of the most successful lines ever produced, and there’s a good chance you’ve had at least one of these digital wonders on your pedalboard at one time or another (or do currently). While they are certainly celebrated in their stock form, they also have been extremely adaptable to modifications, and that’s what we’re going to look at today. Loophole Pedals thrives on their ability...

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The last time an effects pedal from Beautiful Noise Effects came through our office, it was the large and exciting “When the Sun Explodes”, a marvelous Reverb and Distortion mixed together to form a powerful and inspiring pedal. When we heard they were sending us their newest creation, our interest and excitement went through the roof, and we couldn’t wait to get our hands on it. The Endless Sleeper arrived, and...

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We really dug the first iteration of the Panther Cub Analog Delay from JHS Pedals, as it took everything we knew and loved about the original Panther Delay and condensed it, along with adding in a couple more features. As is the hip thing these days, halving the size of the first model wasn’t taking it far enough, so JHS produced the Panther Cub V2, which is half the size of the half-sized Panther Cub 1/1.5… Got that?...

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Another day, another delay….and why not? They’re only the most fun effects out there, and we’ll review and demo ’em as long as companies keep making ’em! Speaking of making exceptional pedals, today’s gem comes to us from Mr. Black, longtime maker of intriguing devices and inspiring tone machines, and this one is no exception. The SS-850 is a solid state echo chamber delay unit, featuring a retro...

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With the weekend rapidly approaching, many of you will be exploring new gear and trying to figure out which new, tasty pedal to order while you relax on your off days. If you’re in the mood for something that will warp your mind, bend your soul and spark outrage in your neighbors, then you have definitely come to the right place. The Super Weirdo from our noise-happy German neighbors across the pond, JPTR FX, is the ultimate in...

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We had the opportunity to check out a good chunk of the pedal lineup from Deadbeat Sound a couple months ago, and were more than impressed with their group of multi-functional, affordable pedals. Today’s featured effect is both of those things, with a simple control structure and more-than-affordable pricing. The Delay Lay Lay (great name) is an analog delay that doesn’t mess around with frills, but will give you plenty of...

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Delay is one of our favorite effects – analog, digital, echo, modulated….it doesn’t matter. It always adds some mystique and mystery to any tone or setup, usually getting out into the sonic stratosphere to produce wild, unruly and unexpected tones, something we are huge fans of. Today’s delay pedal has a smooth balance of subtle and extreme, giving you a nice range of options and sounds to play with. The Dakota...

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Mixing it up in the effects pedal department has become almost the standard these days – adding clever options, combining effects and trying to change the overall soundscape of what we all use on our pedalboards. Today’s pedal addresses this in dramatic fashion, producing elements of fuzz, distortion, oscillation and overall weirdness with ease. The Guardian Fuzz from Hologram FX seeks to destroy everything you thought you...

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Reverb. Oscillation. Bit Crushing. These three effects aren’t usually found on the same pedalboard, much less crammed into ONE PEDAL. The folks at AC Noises decided that the marriage of these three needed to happen, and the AMA was born. Meaning “love” in second person imperative (tu, ama! = you, love!), this deceptive gray pedal is one of the funnest noise creators we’ve come across recently, producing...

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Strange, unusual, sonically inventive, eardrum pummeling….we love pedals like these, and have a great one for you today. The Dream Reaper is a fuzzy modulation machine from Adventure Audio, and while that description might not tell you EXACTLY what this pedal is all about, it’s a good thing. Exploration and experimenting are what you do with a pedal like this, and we did just that many times over, trying to coax out new...

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It’s been a hot minute since we had anything from Yellowcake come through the office, but boy, was it worth the wait. The Lida Machine is an analog resonant filter, with hints of tremolo and vibrato, ring modulator, phaser and more jammed into an impressive-looking and sounding enclosure. With two footswitches and a lot of knobs, we’re ready to dive in and explore this beast immediately… Also known as a VCF (Voltage...

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There’s just no substitute for a good analog delay, plain and simple. We love the classic, vintage models, the newer modern stuff and pretty much everything in between. Today’s featured pedal falls into the modern category, but boasts sounds and tones reminiscent of the units from decades gone by. The Warp Drive from RPS Effects gives you that tasty vintage delay warmth based on the noteworthy “bucket brigade’...

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We love a good delay around here, analog OR digital, and there’s only one thing better than having a pedal with one delay, right….? One that has TWO delays! The Deep Space is a dual digital delay from Homenoise Effects, and it features not only two separate echo circuits, but a couple of tasty options that will make it a must-have for anyone who loves clean, crisp and sometimes out-of-this-world delay tones. Lots to...

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When today’s pedal arrived on our doorstep all the way from Medor Amps in Australia, it was a beast to behold. Seriously, this thing is HUGE! We talk a lot about “Pedalboard friendly” here, and if there’s one thing the Hurt Circuit Fuzz is NOT, it’s that. However, once you plug it in and get to know how it works, you’ll throw that “size matters” theory right out the window. Wait…....

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Ibanez DL10 Digital Delay

Ibanez DL10 Digital Delay

Posted By on Friday, February 23, 2018 in Delay / Reverb, Ibanez | 0 comments

For some reason, the “Power Series” of pedals made by Ibanez/Maxon in the mid-to-late 80’s don’t get the respect they truly deserve, and we’re bringing you another one of those pedals today to prove it. The DL10 Digital Delay is a simply-controlled, excellent-sounding and now extremely affordable delay effect, one that should definitely be popping up on more boards across the globe. Famed for its crystal...

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Ahhh, delay….our favorite effect. It comes in so many different shapes and colors and flavors and options, and we love ’em all – not equally, though. Once in a while, an effects pedal makes its way to our shop and we are absolutely blown away, and today’s pedal did exactly that as soon as we plugged it in. The Echoczar Analog Delay from Toneczar Effects is a BBD-infused, vintage-inspired, modulated black beauty...

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There’s a decent chance you’ve heard of the famous Echoplex EP-3 Tape Delay from Maestro, made popular in the 70’s and 80’s by Andy Summers, Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen, and Brian May, among others. You may also know that these older units are finicky, tricky to repair, costly at times and not always the most road-worthy for the touring musician. That’s where today’s pedal comes in: the Belle Epoch...

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Wacky, crazy, outside the box effects really get our pulses racing here at Pedal of the Day, and today’s pedal delivered the goods in spades. Effects that are hard to categorize or identify are usually our favorites, as they represent a new style of thinking and showcase the builders’ innovative technique and auditory prowess, which we simply cannot get enough of. The Sneak Attack VCA Tremolo, accompanied by the Lil’...

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Reverb and Delay are based in similar categories, the main one being ambience. Fantastic individually, these two effects really take it to the next level when combined and played together, and that’s exactly what happened with today’s featured pedal. The Sky Fi from Alexander Pedals is a reverb and delay wrapped into one silvery enclosure, exploding with echoes, shimmers and all the ambient tones you can handle. Reverb...

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With the new-ish trend of players building smaller pedalboards these days, smaller pedals were bound to be a hit at some point. There are a couple companies who have embraced this, and quite well, but there was one who did it a while back, before the hype set in. The Micro Series from Guyatone ranged from Overdrive to Boost to Octave and more, including the MD2 Micro Digital Delay, which we’re going to look at today. The control...

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After the thrilling experience we had with the Fat Gett Sub-Octave Fuzz from Champion Leccy a couple months back, we were super-stoked to have another one of their creations on our workbench. Once again, these guys did not disappoint, bringing a fury of thundering, powerful tones representing a number of different genres into the fold. The Evil Twin actually consists of two of Champion Leccy’s Wee Fettle Boosts in one enclosure,...

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We did a written review for today’s delay pedal a couple years back, but wanted to add a video demo to the words as well, so the following review contains portions of our previous review, but the demo is ALL NEW. Enjoy! When you’re jumping into into the “dark” delay territory, the 616 MkII Ekko Dark Delay from Malekko Heavy Industry is an awesome way to start. There are a lot of option in this really nicely-sized pedal,...

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Whenever a package arrives carrying ANYTHING from our friends at EarthQuaker Devices, the whole shop seems to light up instantly. Continually reinventing the sonic wheel, Jamie, Julie and the crew keep dazzling our eyes and ears with each new creation, and one of their newest is what we’re going to explore today. The Space Spiral™ is a delay with all the modulation you could want, as well as out-of-control repeats, outer space...

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If for some reason, you still don’t know about or haven’t experienced any of the sonic marvels that Walrus Audio continually puts out into the effects community, you need to get on that quick (after you read this and watch the demo, of course). For the rest of us, it comes as no surprise that Colt and the crew have come up with an incredible new tremolo to unleash on the world: the Monument Harmonic Tap Tremolo. Featuring...

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VOX Double Deca Delay

VOX Double Deca Delay

Posted By on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 in Delay / Reverb, VOX | 0 comments

There are many, many pedals you see on all the forums and discussion boards, and what everyone wants to trade their garbage for. Sometimes, though, you discover a gem that, while it may have been around for a while, isn’t necessarily on anyone’s super-radar. Today’s pedal, the Double Deca Delay from VOX, is exactly one of those. We first ran across it while watching a Rig Rundown of Chris Robinson’s gear, and...

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Discovering new and exciting pedal builders has always been a great thrill for us here at Pedal of the Day, and the effects we’re checking out today embodies that to a big, fat “T”. Mattoverse Electronics was an unknown company to us not too long ago, and after checking out the Swell Delay, we’re glad that we can witness what they are capable of. A delay/echo/reverb pedal and beyond, this thing is going to put...

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There are pedalboard-friendly pedals, and then there are pedals from Henretta Engineering. These guys take it to a whole new level, throwing all the controls (via trimpots) into enclosures that only measure 2-1/8″ x 2-5/16″, making them the ultimate small sized pedal. Today’s feature pedal of theirs is no different from others we’ve reviewed in the past, except that its a bad-ass delay, and it’s bright...

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Ross Stereo Analog Delay

Ross Stereo Analog Delay

Posted By on Thursday, February 9, 2017 in Analog, Delay / Reverb, Ross | 0 comments

Old school, vintage, classic delays really just can’t be beat. Plain and simple. You plug it in, get that little background hum going, and then hit that first note, and the smile just washes over your face. Today’s pedal is one of the more rare and coveted analog delay from the ’70’s, from Ross, a company probably best known for creating the (in many opinions) greatest compressor of all time. We are, however,...

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Ever the innovators, Robert and his crew at Keeley Electronics never cease to amaze us with the creations they continue to re-invent and release every year, and while today’s pedal is a little bit of an older model for them, it’s pretty damn brilliant nonetheless. The Caverns is a dual-function Delay and Reverb pedal in one, trapped in a super pedalboard-friendly enclosure and just oozing with tonal options. If...

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Today’s featured pedal is one we’ve had our eye on for some time, and were super-stoked when the opportunity to review it came along (we even managed to get the Vintage King Special Edition). The Kilobyte™ is a Lo-Fi Delay pedal, one with a bunch of options, and some of the smoothest and craziest echoes you’ll find on a pedal, anywhere. Deep, dark, analog delay tones are easy to come by, as well as crystal-clear...

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There are some pedals that come along and really make you think about sound; how it works, how you can manipulate it and how, sometimes, you just need to let go and throw out everything you thought you knew about effects. Today’s pedal embodies all of these things, and more, by being a true original in a time of klones and copies, but in a way that almost transforms the delay genre, flipping it upside down and inside out, taking...

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Depth Pedals Jelly Fuzz

Depth Pedals Jelly Fuzz

Posted By on Thursday, January 12, 2017 in Depth Pedals, Fuzz | 0 comments

Another fuzz pedal this week, you say? Excellent!! Today’s pedal is different from the Fuzz-Stang MkII we reviewed earlier, but still boats some great tones of its own, and can hang with any fuzz around. The Jelly Fuzz from Depth Pedals offers a simple control section, a wide array of sounds to discover, one special option to switch your tone and, from a designer’s standpoint, a really rad and pleasing aesthetic as well....

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The crew over at Hungry Robot Pedals has been known for creating new, unique and innovative effects since their inception in 2012, quickly garnering a reputation for the obscure and awesome. Today’s featured pedal might just be the most unique yet, and is one hell of a fun pedal to play around with. The Kármán Line is a delay and oscillation device that uses a modulating joystick with a heavily filtered delay line that...

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Usability is an absolute KEY to creating a successful pedal these days, especially when you start adding more buttons and features and options for the consumer to explore and create with. The Mineshaft Reverb from our friends at Swindler Effects looks fairly basic at first glance, but when you dig in a little bit, you’ll find this pristine-looking pedal has plenty going for it, and is, in all actuality, a tricky 2-in-1 pedal. We...

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Sometimes, we come across a pedal that, at first glance, looks like it might be a bit complicated, and we’re gonna have to spend a good deal of time figuring out how it works. Today’s featured pedal, the Chrono Delay DLY-4 is one of these pedals, but it’s a real trickster, as its ease of use and ability to conjure up killer sounds quickly is one of its strengths as an effect, and one we were more than happy to...

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Continuing our look at the killer and super-affordable lineup of pedals from our friends at Ninevolt Pedals today, we’ve got a tasty little delay pedal for you all to take a look at. The Relaxing Walrus is a simple, down-to-earth delay pedal, but don’t think for a second that means it doesn’t have a ton of tone on tap. Once again emblazoned with artwork by the fantastic Jonas Claesson, this little blue beauty...

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Where to even begin with today’s featured pedal? It’s kind of a fuzz, and a partial distortion, but it’s also a tone-shaper, ring mod, oscillator, cosmic sitar and more. A truly unique pedal in a sea of effects, the Frequency~LSD from Mountainking Electronics is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry for help, weep uncontrollably and jump for joy…all in the same half hour. Out is the overall volume control. Done....

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Well, it appears that we are in a familiar situation, reviewing another dynamite effects pedal from our friends at Keeley Electronics. It seems you can’t take 2 steps forward these days without literally stepping on one of Robert’s pedals (in our office, anyway), which is not necessarily a bad thing. Today’s gem of a pedal features a trio of effects again strewn together into one marvelous (and super space-saving)...

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Fun, fun, fun. Today’s pedal provides a great deal of, well, FUN, and sounds great as well. Not to mention it comes to us from a small (no pun intended) pedal company, and we love to see the non-mainstream stuff the little guys are working on, and help get the word out about their companies as well. Small Grey Pedals has a great name, a unique look and some great sounds, and their featured pedal today is the Europa Reverb. Level...

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Let’s face it: we all love delay. Sure, you can tell your friends or your buddies in the local death metal band that delay is weak and has no place in music, but as soon as you get home, you bust out your favorite delay and noodle for hours. You can admit it. Speaking of killer delays, today’s featured “pedal” just might top the list for modern analog echo recreations, and certainly holds a spot near the top of...

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After a quick day off yesterday to move the shop, we’re back with a bang! From the insanely talented and innovative brain of our pal Joel Korte over at Chase Bliss Audio comes one of the most talked-about and anticipated effects pedals of 2016. The Tonal Recall Analog Delay not only manages to squish a TON of options into a regular-sized, pedalboard-friendly pedal, but takes the entire genre, dumps it on its head and reinvents...

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If you’ve ever had the opportunity to utilize a Dispatch Master Delay/Reverb combo pedal from EarthQuaker Devices, then you know how powerful it is, and what a useful tool it can be in your sonic arsenal. Somehow managing to improve upon this rad design, the EQD crew has created the Avalanche Run, taking the original design to the next level, without making it too complicated or busy. With new features and a ton of new options,...

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Paradox Effects Fuzz-E Cat

Paradox Effects Fuzz-E Cat

Posted By on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 in Fuzz, Paradox Effects | 1 comment

Here at Pedal of the Day, we’ve had the pleasure to review a number of pedals by the always-entertaining and a bit off-the-cuff Paradox Effects, and we’re happy to have another of their enclosures on hand for today’s review. If you want fuzz, you checked out our website on the right day, to say the least. The Fuzz-E Cat pushes the limits of sound (and your eardrums), but in only the best ways possible. Let’s...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Corey F. – find him on Instagram (@ScrambleTheFitz), Facebook (Cantharone) and on his band’s website (Cantharone). An extremely interesting and versatile take on bucket brigade type analog delay. The Lunar Echo from the now non-operational DMB Audio will keep you tweaking its knobs for hours on end. To start, it is a fairly normal analog delay with a max 500ms delay time. Within...

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