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Over the last couple of years, some of the most innovative, instantly-recognizable effects have come from the Hologram Electronics camp. In keeping with the success and sonic prowess of the Dream Sequence and the Infinite Jets, we’re proud to present their latest creation, the Hologram Electronics Microcosm Granular Delay Looper. This wild machine creates cascading microloops that get locked into tight tap-tempo synched rhythms,...

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During these pandemic-laden times, when we’re hunkered down at home and hopefully working on some music, it’s nice to have the right tools for the job. Like today’s pedal, for example: the Keeley Electronics DCR Drive Rotary Chorus. Overdrive and modulation have always lived together in wonderful harmony, and the sounds escaping from this 3-in-1 effect will get all your creative juices a-flowin’. The DCR...

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One of the things that really makes a good Tremolo effect pedal is the Rate at which the LFO (low frequency oscillator) moves and shimmies, right? Now, bending down on a poorly-lit stage to try and set the speed of these pulses can be challenging, which is why we love a good tremolo pedal that incorporates Tap Tempo functionality. Today’s pedal does that and much, much more – the Tacana Tap Tremolo comes to us all the way...

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Hey kids! If you’re tired of your news feeds filled with politics and coronavirus posts, why not kick back and relax with a fun review and in-depth demo video for one of the hottest new pedals around? It’ll be a great way to start your weekend….promise. (and please don’t forget to wash your hands!) It’s no secret that Robert Keeley and the crew at Keeley Electronics put out some incredible...

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Ever the electronics wizard, tinkerer and innovator, Robert Keeley continues to amaze and excite us around every musical corner. Like today, for example, where we’re gonna check out one of the latest in a long and distinguished lineup of effects pedals coming out of Edmond, OK. The DDR from Keeley Electronics is a 3-in-1 pedal, featuring Over(D)rive, (D)elay and (R)everb, and bringing the best of these three genres together to...

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Since its inception in 2001, the Keeley Compressor has become an absolute staple pedal on pedalboards all over the world, with more than 52,000 having been sold (so far). Beginning with the classic 2-knob version, the compression effects coming out of the Keeley camp have taken on several different forms, some combination effects and today’s pedal, the Compressor Plus. Building on the original with a couple more options and that...

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A couple years back, a pedal came onto the market that was unlike any we had all seen before, the Dream Sequence Filter/Tremolo/Sampler/etc. from Hologram Electronics. After the success of that beauty, the Hologram crew came up with another astonishing effect, which we’re going to check out today. The Infinite Jets is a wildly ambient machine, with a ton of sustain and exquisite sampling abound, making for a creative and...

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Sometimes, the best things come in the smallest packages, and we’re definitely NOT kidding about that with today’s piece of gear. Heading outside our usual pedal zone, we’re taking a look at an amplifier today, though not one that you may expect. The FatAmp MkII from Mouse Electronics in Belarus is a small pocket amplifier, one that goes with you anywhere and everywhere, fitting into a jacket pocket, backpack, purse...

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There’s no shortage of amazing effects coming out of the Keeley Electronics camp, as they have been for close to 2 decades now, and we always love it when something new comes through the office. While the past couple of years have seen bigger, more option-filled pedals like the Dark Side, Aria, Super Mod Workstation and more, sometimes you just need a killer overdrive pedal to get you in the right mood, and spark some creativity...

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The first two pedals we took a crack at from Hochstrasser Electronics, the Disco Terrapin Envelope Filter and the Helping Friendly Box Overdrive Compressor, were absolute gems, two pedals we instantly fell in love with and have been experimenting with ever since. Today, we get to investigate a third pedal of theirs, the Transmogriphaser, a dual channel, OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier), 4-stage phaser that conjures up Pink...

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WE LOVE PHISH. Said it, not sorry, deal. Now that you know that, know this: we were SUPER excited to have a Helping Friendly Box Overdrive Compressor from Hochstrasser Electronics appear on our doorstep, and here’s why. This particular pedal harkens after the setup that Trey Anastasio from Phish used for many years (and still does occasionally), where two differently-gained Tubescreamers were followed by the famous Ross...

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We love a good synthesizer pedal when they come through the shop, and we love the effects that Robert and the crew at Keeley Electronics put out, so the combination of both of these was a welcome announcement. The goal was to create a synth sound that took you from unnatural fuzz noises to pseudo-harmonic, random glitchy counterpoint, and boy, did they ever succeed. The Synth-1 Reverse Attack Fuzz Wave Generator lets you create...

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There’s no shortage of incredible effects pouring out of the Keeley Electronics office, and with each one, we’re taken aback a bit by the sheer ingenuity and creativity they possess, especially the Workstation Series. Looking at another one of those today, we’re excited to bring you the Dark Side, a Fuzz Delay Phaser Vibe Flanger extravaganza, with tasty fuzz tones and all the modulation you can handle. Conjuring up...

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The Tube Screamer. Iconic. Classic. Overdrive. Green. All of these things it may be, and there have been many copies/recreations that have tried to capture that special tone as well. Today’s pedal uses the famous green monster as a base, then builds on it, adding switches and options to produce a more complete overall unit of sound. The Hangover Overdrive comes to us from Rocket Scientists Electronics, and, as you can clearly...

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Since the mid-2000’s, there has usually been some form of a Keeley Compressor within arm’s reach around the house and office. Starting with the classic 2-knob, moving up to the 4-knob, PRO and PLUS versions, alongside the Morning Glory in the Steak and Eggs and finally (for now, anyway), in today’s featured 2-in-1 pedal. The Aria features 2 sides, one compressor and one overdrive, that couldn’t play nicer...

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Cross-company collaborations are always a fun excursion in the effects pedal world, and today’s featured piece of gear is from two of the best. Robert Keeley and Keeley Electronics have partnered up with Dan and Mick, from the hugely popular YouTube series That Pedal Show, to create an overdrive/boost combo pedal that features a wide range of tones, spanning the full spectrum of overdriven glory throughout its many options and...

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As an online reviewer and demo-er of effects pedals, we really like stuff that’s a bit out of the ordinary. “Auditory Signal Disruptor” is one of those phrases that is immediately intriguing, and today’s pedal that happens to be attached to that tagline does not disappoint. The Mountain from our new pals at Frost Giant Electronics just ripped a hole (metaphorically) in our amp the first time we plugged it in,...

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You know that feeling you get when you hear that first Dm chord and opening lick of ‘Shakedown Street,’ or the first few funked-up keys at the start of ‘Superstiton?’ Well, you might not, but if you do, today’s pedal is right in your wheelhouse. The Disco Terrapin from Hochstrasser Electronics is a super funk machine, an envelope filter and auto wah conceived with numerous options and a wide range of...

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Although we’re not the fastest or most technical of players around here, we sure can appreciate a good heavy metal tune, and the pedal we’re going to look at today is capable of providing the tones needed for speed, thrash, glam, black, death and other metal genres with ease. Robert and the kids at Keeley Electronics have covered just about all the bases when it comes to effects, and the Filaments High Gain Distortion is...

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We’ve all had a pedal, effects or vintage sound-making machine that has peaked our curiosity for years, but have never had the ways or means to acquire said piece of gear. One of the most famous of these is undoubtedly the Echoplex EP-3 from Maestro, a warm echo machine full of tasty modulated delays, and one responsible for many of the classic and iconic recorded tones ever put down on tape. These units, however, are...

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Combining delay and reverb into one effect should absolutely be done more often, especially if the result is anything like today’s featured piece of gear. Improving a bit on the first version of this pedal, the Caverns Delay Reverb V2 takes everything we loved from the initial go-round and fine tunes it all into a still-compact enclosure with amazing sonic prowess. With three reverb modes and an analog, tape-style delay,...

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Matt Olson Onalaska, WI Mattoverse Electronics How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I have been a musician for about 22 years now. I started playing guitar when I was 14, after a close friend and future bandmate suggested we pick up guitars and put down the Nintendo Game Boy. Who have been some of your major musical influences, past or present? I was born in 1981 and grew up in...

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Happy Thanksgiving Weekend, American readers – hope you had a good one! We’ve got a killer overdrive boost pedal for y’all today, coming straight outta Indianapolis, Indiana. The Dream Drive features a simple enclosure, basic controls and not a lot of frills, but when a drive sounds like this one does, who needs anything else? Taking its inspiration from classic, overdriven tube amps, the Dream Drive is a uniquely...

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Continuing their status as one of the top-of-the-heap companies in the effects pedal world, Keeley Electronics introduced some multi-effects boxes to the world last year, and we’re lucky enough to have one of them to check out today. The Super Mod Workstation covers more ground than it probably needs to, or should be able, which is definitely NOT a bad thing. With more effects and parameter settings than you’ll know what...

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Another fuzz pedal, you say? Sure, why not? Fuzz is the best, right? Today’s fuzzy wonder comes to us from a big Pedal of the Day supporter, Way Huge, and their continually evolving lineup of pedals. This newly-named effect is called the Fuzzstortion, a mash-up of two effect genres combined into one gritty box. More fuzzy than distorted, this guy features some intriguing settings to explore, and a whole lot of fun to be...

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Earlier this year, we finally got around to checking out the original Octron Octave Divider from Foxrox Electronics, and we thought it was just an incredible piece of gear. Fast-forward to today, and we’ve got the next iteration of this steel gray beauty for you, complete with upgrades, more options and that same killer circuitry and tone. The Octron3 features a smaller enclosure, two additional toggle switches and an analog...

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Unleashing a fury of new and much-anticipated effects over the course of the last couple of years, the crew at Way Huge continues to excite and defy convention with their effects. Today we’re going to take a gander at one of the newest, the Russian-Pickle Fuzz, a dirt pedal that harkens back to the sweet distorted sounds of the mid-nineties’ BC183C Russian Big Muff, for all the grunge and angst you can handle. Easy to use...

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The effects pedals coming out of the SiB Electronics camp are all fairly unique in design and sound, and we’re excited to look at another one of their musical concoctions today. If you’re a fan of the Phaser genre, you’ll really dig the Mr. Fazeadelic. This dual channel phaser gives off tones that will send your sound back to the psychedelic era with a quickness, or add a slight bit of shimmer and pizazz to your...

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Over the last few years, Jeorge Tripps and Way Huge Electronics® have been re-releasing some of their classic pedals, most with some sort of update, to the delight of many who enjoyed the originals. Those had become incredibly rare and expensive, but the new reissues are well-priced and easy to obtain, thus rejuvenating the brand once again. Today’ we’re going to check out the newer version of one of the rarest originals...

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Distortion pedals can be a tricky business – some players can get turned off even by the mention of the word, as they automatically assume these types of pedals can only be used to play loud, aggressive music. While that can be true, the good ones can also be used in many different musical situations, as is the case with today’s featured pedal. The Solid Drive from Mouse Electronics is, yes, a distortion, but can also be...

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Discovering new and exciting pedal builders has always been a great thrill for us here at Pedal of the Day, and the effects we’re checking out today embodies that to a big, fat “T”. Mattoverse Electronics was an unknown company to us not too long ago, and after checking out the Swell Delay, we’re glad that we can witness what they are capable of. A delay/echo/reverb pedal and beyond, this thing is going to put...

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Let’s face it: an octave effect can really add another dimension to your sound, period. Whether it’s up or down (or both, in the case of today’s pedal), this one effect has produced some classic tones over the decades, and continues to be a powerful, if underrated, piece of gear to use on both guitar and bass alike. The Octron Octave Divider from Foxrox Electronics brings you the best of both worlds in the octave...

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Ever the innovators, Robert and his crew at Keeley Electronics never cease to amaze us with the creations they continue to re-invent and release every year, and while today’s pedal is a little bit of an older model for them, it’s pretty damn brilliant nonetheless. The Caverns is a dual-function Delay and Reverb pedal in one, trapped in a super pedalboard-friendly enclosure and just oozing with tonal options. If...

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We love it when a pedal works equally for both guitar and bass, and today’s pedal is exactly one of those rare beasts. The El Oso Bass Distortion from Heavy Electronics adds some great dirt and crunch to both instruments, but somehow manages to walk the fine line between the two without overpowering either one. This doesn’t happen very often in the pedal world, and we’re excited to see what it can do for us. Aside...

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What can you say about a boost pedal? If it’s made correctly, it boosts your instrument’s signal, driving your amp and letting everyone in the crowd know you f’n rock. The good folks at Way Huge Electronics / Jim Dunlop have created a boost pedal that not only pummels your amp, but adds in a special little lite and punch to your tone as well. The Angry Troll is a boost capable of pumping up to +50dB of gain into your...

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Robert Keeley and the folks he employs just keep releasing more and more dynamite pedals, and we’re going to take a look at another one of them today. Considered rather normal by the standards of most of the Keeley effects we’ve reviewed recently, the Oxblood Overdrive takes on the world of mystical creatures, powerful tone enhancers and ridiculous pedal price tags all at once. Sort of their answer to the gold and silver...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Scott W. – find him on Instagram (@honey.power) and Facebook (Scott Willems). There are copious amounts of pedals based on the revered Big Muff Pi, but the Swollen Pickle Jumbo Fuzz by Way Huge Electronics proves itself as a very versatile fuzz. Packed in the typical Way Huge anodized aluminum housing, it features three knobs for loudness, filter and sustain, and two external trim pots...

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Where to even begin with today’s featured pedal? It’s kind of a fuzz, and a partial distortion, but it’s also a tone-shaper, ring mod, oscillator, cosmic sitar and more. A truly unique pedal in a sea of effects, the Frequency~LSD from Mountainking Electronics is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry for help, weep uncontrollably and jump for joy…all in the same half hour. Out is the overall volume control. Done....

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Sean G. – find him on Instagram (@TheNoiseReel), Twitter (@TheNoiseReel) and Facebook (The Noise Reel). It’s bright or it’s dark. The name makes me think of mint cotton candy at a circus. So I wanted to make a demo in a fast, chromatic circus fashion. Do you know how hard it is to find elephants in midtown Manhattan? Simple controls for a low to medium gain in the Mint...

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Well, it appears that we are in a familiar situation, reviewing another dynamite effects pedal from our friends at Keeley Electronics. It seems you can’t take 2 steps forward these days without literally stepping on one of Robert’s pedals (in our office, anyway), which is not necessarily a bad thing. Today’s gem of a pedal features a trio of effects again strewn together into one marvelous (and super space-saving)...

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Ever since I first the opening notes of ‘Battery’ off of Metallica’s 1986’s masterpiece album ‘Master of Puppets’ as a youngster, I’ve been a fan of Kirk Hammett’s playing. Today’s pedal is not only a pretty kickass overdrive, but it comes to us from Kirk’s new pedal company, KHDK Electronics, making it just a bit more special coming from one of my idols. The Ghoul Screamer...

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Happy Labor Day to all our followers in the United States! Hope you’ll be kicking back with a cold one and some tasty grilled food later on this afternoon, and enjoying the day off (for those of you who have it). In other news…It’s pretty hard not to be impressed by the sheer volume of pedals that come pouring out of the Edmond, OK offices of Keeley Electronics – what’s even more incredible is how...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Max F. – find him on SoundCloud (@MaxFaith)! Darkglass Electronics’ products are quickly becoming the hottest way to sculpt tone in the bass world. The Finnish company makes some of the most musical bass preamps, distortions, and amps on the market right now. Today’s pedal is the Darkglass Microtubes B3K Bass Overdrive. The B3K Overdrive has simple and intuitive controls for sculpting a wide...

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The folks at Keeley Electronics just keep pumping out awesome new pedal after awesome new pedal, and we are privileged today to check out not only one of their newest creations, but a Special Edition as well. The Monterey Special Custom Germanium is a fuzz, octave, vibrato, rotary and harmonic wah all in one, producing an exciting blend of some classic tones, while opening the gateway to much sonic exploration. The Fuzz channel...

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Today, we’ve got yet another powerhouse pedal from our friend Jorge Tripps and Way Huge Electronics to throw at you. The Saucy Box Overdrive is a downright simple pedal, but with a wide range of sounds available and an excellent clean boost, this Klon-esque gem will make you rethink your whole gain section. Three controls for an overdrive pedal: nothing new or ground-breaking here, featuring Volume, Tone and Drive knobs. The...

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Alright, kiddies, you’re in for a real treat today. The Dream Sequence from Hologram Electronics is one of the hottest pedals out at the moment, and if you haven’t heard it or heard of it, we’ll try to give you a great review and demo so you can know it’s true power. Part envelope filter, part tremolo, part pitch shifter, part sampler and part sequencer with a dash of synth thrown in for good measure, this...

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Personally, we love compressors on all our pedalboards, but not everyone feels the same way. Some players absolutely swear by them, other think they’re useless and won’t come within 5 miles of one. Today’s pedal happens to be a compressor, the Saffron Squeeze from the newly-revived Way Huge Electronics, and while it appears to be a simple stompbox at first glance, a closer look reveals more controls, more options and...

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A while back, we reviewed a pedal from a company whose pedal designs are as unique as the graphics on their enclosures – that pedal was the Blinding VOIP! Boost from Jellyfish Electronics. Today, we’re going to take a look at one of their overdrives, the Girthquake (great names, don’t you think?) and see what it has in store for us! The control section of the Girthquake features your basic overdrive controls: Volume,...

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We can get behind any good fuzz pedal around here, so we were pretty stoked when the cats over at Way Huge Electronics sent over their Havalina™ Germanium Fuzz for us to check out. Featuring a basic three-knob control configuration, this fuzz does what a good fuzz pedal should do: produce copious amounts of fuzz. With a hint of old-school Tone Bender fuzz sound found within it, this is a fun fuzz that will get you groovin’ with...

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We review a lot of pedals around here, as you may have noticed, and a lot of them have quite a learning curve to figure out all the ins-and-outs, how they work, what they’re capable of, and how to use them to fit a particular style of music. Today’s pedal is pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of that: a one-knob gem that has one function and does it brilliantly, with no fuss, no muss and just some straight-up great tones to...

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