We’re super excited for today’s complete PEDAL LINEUP: that’s right, we’re taking a look at ALL 5 newly released ROSS Electronics effects! In collaboration with Josh Scott and JHS Pedals, these five units bring back the flagship pedals (and one brand new creation) from a company responsible for some of the best vintage effects out there. Coming full circle and releasing this new group of effects, ROSS brings...
Read MoreAfter the wild success of their Germanium Fuzz pedal a few years ago, Chris and the crew at Benson Amps decided to take the genre one more step further. Building off of the classic Tone Bender MkI circuit, the Stonk Box attempts to take a classic 1960’s fuzz design, and bring the sound into the modern world, without bringing any along the flaws and inconsistencies of the original. This one’s a beast, let’s get right to it!...
Read MoreThere are certain pedals that, the moment you plug them in, you know you’ve found a real gem. That was 100% the case with today’s rocker, the MMK Electrics Norris Fuzz, coming at’cha straight from Alaska! This deceptively simple 2-knob fuzz effect has loads of gain and range on tap, blowing out speakers and sparking creativity as it carves a gorgeous auditory warpath wherever it goes. It’s time to rock, kids,...
Read MoreWe’ve got one more effect left in the newest releases from JHS Pedals’ Legends of Fuzz collection, and we’re going out with a bang!. Today, we’re taking a look at the Mary-K 1969 Japan, which again features just two simple controls and a Mode switch…PLUS an variable, hands-free control of one of the parameters. Let’s jump into this sonic pool and get the fuzz out, shall we?? Grab a Mary-K 1969 Japan...
Read MoreFuzz pedals can sometimes be finicky, sputtery and strange, and that’s not always what you need…but when it’s EXACTLY what you want, look no further than the ZVEX Effects Fuzz Factory Vexter. One of their most beloved pedals, this classically un-classic fuzz takes you to the breaking point of musical sanity, and then shoves you right over. We’re excited to check this one out, as I’m sure you are,...
Read MoreLast month, we had the distinct pleasure of checking out the wonderful and nostalgic Time Traveler Delay from Spürr Audio, a Back to the Future-inspired box that gave us all the feels (and sounded great). When we opened the box for today’s Spürr Audio pedal, the Wild Rat Distortion, we were greeted with a shock and almost dropped the box, as what appeared to be a real rat was lurking inside. After gathering ourselves and...
Read MoreAnother weird, noisy, off-the-wall sonic monster comes to us today from our good friends at Industrialectric, in the form of the RM-1N Ambient Chaotic Reverb. Much more than your typical ‘verb, this one is packed with knobs, switches and chaos abound. Flipping the effects pedal world on its ass once again, Industrialectric prove that they are a sonic force to be reckoned with… To best explain the RM-1N, let’s hear...
Read MoreThe crew at Elysian Pedals sent us over a couple of effects to check out, and we’re stoked to bring you the first one today. The cleverly-titled It’s Not Brain Surgery Octave Fuzz combines two classic effects into one versatile pedal, one that sounds killer on both guitar and bass. Basically a 2-In-1, this inventive machine will take your tone to the unknown and beyond… The Octave side features a couple of knobs and...
Read MoreEvery version of the Ampero family of Amp Modelers and Effects Processors from our friends at Hotone Audio has come our way, and we’re exctied as always to bring you the latest version today. The Ampero MINI takes everything you know and love about these units and squishes them into a small, compact enclosure, perfect for any pedalboard or tabletop rig. And since there’s no compromise in sound quality or endless IRs,...
Read MoreWe’ve tried a couple of pedals from the crew at Surfy Industries, and were wicked impressed to say the least. The SurfyVibe and SurfyBear brought modulation and reverb into focus, respectively, and now Surfy has a new pedal that ties everything together: the SurfyFuzz. With 2 modes and some intriguing parameter controls, this is not an ordinary dirt machine…not in the least. When Surfy Industries decided to develop a FUZZ,...
Read MoreWe’re always honored to help in the release of a new pedal from Mark and Summer School Electronics, and we’re excited that we get to do just that once again today. The Pep Rally Fuzz is the latest creation from these guys, producing blistering tone and all the fuzzy glory you could ever want. Building on an existing circuit of theirs, this one brings everything you want in a fuzz right to your doorstep… The Pep Rally...
Read MoreToday’s pedal is not one that your casual musician will get, or like, or want to have anything to do with, and that makes it all the more rad. The mad scientists at Industrialectric have been conjuring up crazy experimental gear for years, and the 567-M Modulation Machine keeps that streak alive and well. Lots of knob-twisting, ear-piercing and general sonic confusion give you a slight idea about what this pedal is capable...
Read MoreWe love it when the crew at Beetronics releases a new effects pedal that we can all buzz around about, and are excited to continue that today. May we present to you the Octahive V2 High Octave Buzz, a fuzz and octave hybrid that conjures up vintage sounds from decades gone past. Let’s jump right in and investigate this new and exciting creation, shall we? The Octahive is one of Beetronics’ most legendary bees, one...
Read MoreAfter checking out the Berkeley 1973 a few weeks ago, we were excited to dig further into more new Legends of Fuzz pedals from JHS. Today, we’re taking a look at the Plugin 1973 California, which again features just two simple controls and a Mode switch. Don’t be fooled, however: there are a TON of sounds just waiting to be unleashed here… Grab a Plugin 1967 California at Sweetwater: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/3ej7ey...
Read MoreAfter checking out the latest version of Poison Noises’ The Crook Overdrive, we were stoked that they also sent us the latest version of one of their killer fuzz pedals. With the Glut Cheeks V3, it’s an all you can eat Fuzz buffet! This pedal is made using the same recipe as your favorite 60’s fuzzes, but with a few new extra fixings. As you can see, the ingredients are listed right on the box! Every fuzz uses carefully...
Read MoreWe really loved the first four effects in JHS Pedals’ “Legends of Fuzz” series: the Bender, the Crimson, the Smiley and the Supreme. They’ve added a few more since, and we’re going to take a look at the Berkeley 1973 California today. With just two simple controls and a Mode switch, you can easily dial in vintage fuzz sounds with this black beauty… Grab a Berkeley 1973 California at Sweetwater:...
Read MoreIf you haven’t heard about the fantastic gear coming from Heather Brown Electronicals, you must have been living under a musical rock. The Blessed Mother Overdrive burst on the scene a couple years ago, and was followed by the also-successful Sensation Fuzzdrive – two awesome circuits from an awesome builder. Today, we’ve got the latest effect in this lineup, the Spirit In The Sky Tremolo Fuzz, which mixes 2...
Read MoreWe’re back with yet another new pedal from our pals at Poison Noises! Today’s effect is the Gluttonous Maximus Fuzz, a ballsy beast who joins the ranks of the Glutnik, Glut Cheeks and Gluttonous Fuzz pedals from the PN lineup. Here to save the day, this red menace will spark your creativity and blow out your eardrums…in the best of ways imaginable. With the Gluttonous Maximus Fuzz, the Clipping control pulls diodes...
Read MoreWe love today’s fuzz pedal, plain and simple. The Bun Runner from JHS Pedals is a sonic marvel, and one of the most versatile and useful fuzzes we have ever had the privilege of playing. With two quite different sides to this 2-in-1 pedal, many fuzzy tones are easily accessible, ranging from slightly overdriven to all-out crazy, gooey, fuzzy goodness. Let’s check out this rare, discontinued beauty, shall we? The left side...
Read MoreThe Protein Dual Overdrive from Browne Amplification was one of our favorite drive pedals when we reviewed it last year, and we’re excited to bring you another pedal from this great company today. The T4 Fuzz is a seemingly simple fuzz with three knobs, like certain famous muff-y circuits from decades past, but is highly modified to maintain clarity while retaining mid frequencies. Let’s see what this one’s all...
Read More(This article comes from our friends at GuitarTricks.com – check out their site for tons of guitar-related tips and tricks!!) I Have Too Many Pedals, How To Pare Down By Shawn Leonhardt for Guitar Tricks and 30 Day Singer, the original platform for online guitar lessons. There comes a point where every guitar player realizes they have too many effects pedals! It’s true, it happens, but you don’t need to get rid of any, you just...
Read MoreRecently, we had the wonderful opportunity to jump into the effects world of Fuzz Imp, from beautiful Portland, Oregon. The Shroot II (Deluxe) Overdrive not only looks rad and features a beloved TV character, but has some real meat to it when you turn it on. Today’s pedal, the Creature Fuzz, gets into a bit more dirty sonic territory, gloriously, and we’re completely here for it… The 5 controls are very interactive...
Read MoreWe love Fuzz. We love classic circuits. We love modern flair. We love aesthetically pleasing effects boxes. Today’s pedal checks off all the items on this list, with a punch and fury that will put a smile on both your and your amp’s face. The Supercool Pedals ’77 Fuzz Blender pays homage to a sound that we all know and love, with some more options and gorgeous tone oozing from every crevice. Prepare your ears for a...
Read MoreThe recent revival of the Maestro brand has brought a couple of great pedals our way. We recently had the chance to check out the FIVE newest pedals in their Original Collection, and today we’re heading back a bit to check out one of their earlier releases. The Fuzz-Tone FZ-M features three knobs, one switch and a ton of tone to shape and sculpt your favorite vintage and modern fuzz tones to perfection…sounds pretty fun, right??...
Read MoreSo, there are distortion pedals, and then there are DISTORTION PEDALS. Today’s featured effect, the Beautiful Noise Effects Exploder Distortion Device, clearly falls into the latter category (whatever that is), taking what you thought you knew about dirt pedals and smashing all expectations into oblivion. Sound too harsh? Well, if that’s the case, you should probably stop reading and go play a nice, quiet melody on your...
Read MoreToday, we’re going all in, taking a look at not ONE, not TWO, but THREE new effect boxes from our friends at Sundance Electric. The Cassidy Drive + Boost, Clean Fuzz V2 and Harmonic Incubator each bring a different flavor of unique dirt sounds to your pedalboard, featuring wide-ranging sounds easily conjured up by simple control sections. Lots to explore, let’s see what they’re all about… The Cassidy Drive +...
Read MoreIt’s been a minute since we’ve had anything from Wren and Cuff come through the shop, but today’s pedal most definitely makes up for lost time. The Eye See ’78 Dual Op-Amp Distortion takes a peek at a very particular piece of Big Muff history, when the famous circuit changed drastically, if for just a brief period: 1978-80 or so, when the usual transistors were scrapped in favor of operational amplifiers...
Read MoreWe’ve always enjoyed it when a new product from Yellowcake Pedals appears on our doorstep, and today we get to experience that joy once more. They’ve sent over the FOOM Fuzz, a one knob powerhouse that goes from dirty to dirtier to just filthy, and it is awesome. This simple, velcro-like fuzz gives you some very Muff-esque types of distortion, and all you have to do is gently turn one control. It’s designed to be...
Read MoreOver the coming weeks, we’re going to be taking a look at a new lineup of small but great-sounding effects pedals from our friends at Caline, starting with the G-001 Tiger Eye Distortion and the G-014 Nasty Bear Fuzz. These seemingly simple boxes offer excellent tone that’s easy to dial in, coming in a wide range of genres, to create an entire pedalboard without having to sell a kidney on the black market. Let’s see...
Read MoreThe first two pedals we have had the pleasure to explore from Colfax Recorders, the Apache Rose Preamp and the Zephyr Overdrive, were absolute musical beasts. Today, we’re looking at the third and final pedal in their current lineup, and it most definitely is in the same category. The Porcelain Fuzz might sound a bit dainty, delicate or slightly breakable at first, but this three-knob wonder will annihilate anything that crosses...
Read MoreWe love the way the folks at VVco Pedals incorporate great effects with nostalgic merch from past movies, TV shows and more, and we’re especially stoked about today’s featured pedal. The Dark Father Preamp is clearly representative of a certain Jedi-turned-Sith, and it sounds just as evil. Melding elements of overdrive, fuzz, distortion, EQ, boost and preamp, this multi-faceted effect is not only fun to look at, it sounds...
Read MoreIt’s been a little while since we had a pedal from EarthQuaker Devices come through here, but apparently it was worth the wait. The Hizumitas Fuzz Sustainar is based on a rare fuzzy distortion from Japan, and was designed for the one and only guitar sorceress Wata from the band Boris. This effect is full of dirt, warmth and character, and is an instant eye-opener as you as it is engaged… The ELK Sustainar is a Japanese...
Read MoreWell, it’s time once again for everyone’s favorite game, Try to Describe the Pedal. While there are many versions of the classic Harmonic Percolator circuit, it has always been an effect that hasn’t been the easiest to classify, as it contains elements of fuzz, filter, distortion and more, all produced in a very eclectic and specific way. Today’s pedal, the Emerald Ox FX Chimeric Percolator, asks the question...
Read MorePedals that you can’t really accurately describe with words, or categorize with ease, have always been favorites around here, and today’s effect falls squarely into these boxes. The Great Fantabulizing Whatsitdo (great name, right?) from Whimsy Machines acts as an octave fuzz of sorts, with elements of filtering, pitch shifting and, of course, angry mobs of robotic bees swarming with a vengeance. Yeah, this is a fun one,...
Read MoreThe fine folks over at Eventide have been big supporters of Pedal of the Day for years now – we’ve reviewed just about every one of their modern pedals, and have been lucky enough to be included in their last several new release days as well. Today, we’re doing it once again, and with possibly their biggest, most grandiose effects unit to date. The H90 Harmonizer® takes everything that we all love about the...
Read MoreAbout a month ago, we had the honor of reviewing and demoing a pedal from Harby Pedals called the Centauri Clean Boost/Overdrive, a most excellent Klon-inspired beast that had “it” from the moment we first turned it on. It was with much anticipation that we plugged into another Harby gem for today’s review and demo – the BMF Distortion Sustainer Fuzz. Bringing a classic circuit into the present time, this blue...
Read MorePedal of the Day has been fortunate to help with the promotion of each and every iteration of the wonderful Ampero series of multi-effects units from our friends at Hotone Audio, and we’ve got the newest one for you today. Following in the footsteps of the original Ampero, Ampero One and Ampero II, the Ampero Silver Edition Amp Modeler / Effects Processor somehow builds on the previous models’ functionality, options and...
Read MoreAfter recently jumping back into the marvelous world of pedals from Cusack Music with the brilliant Meta Plexi Distortion Boost, we were stoked to have another piece of their gear on our demo table. The Screamer Fuzz V3 Fuzzdrive combines elements of overdrive and fuzz in one pedal, allowing you to blend and mix as you see fit. Along with a great control section and several clipping options, this was a fun one right out of the...
Read MoreAfter checking out the incredible 432k Rev2 Distortion a couple months ago, we couldn’t wait to jump back into some more gear from Retro Mechanical Labs. Today’s powerful piece is the Mig Fuzz Special Edition, another big box effects with a ton of options, great dirt tones and, of course, a vintage VU meter on board. Providing a modern sound using vintage parts, this unique creation really gets the musical creativity...
Read MoreOur friends over at Poison Noises are releasing new versions of their entire lineup of effects pedals, and have asked us to help showcase these overhauled creations. We’ve been checking out 2 pedals a week for the last couple months, continuing today with the Glutnik Fuzz V2. Suit up, space out and prepare to experience the full gravity of this one…. This new addition to the Poison Noises universe is our take on a Russian...
Read MoreWe’ve always been impressed with the modulation and delay effects that Pigtronix has put out into the world, but today we’re looking at a pedal that heads into a different sort of direction. The Star Eater Analog Jumbo Fuzz blends legendary old-school fuzz sounds with modern tone-shaping versatility, for an interesting and intriguing take on the genre. With simple controls and a wide range of tones, this one was fun to...
Read MoreOur friends over at Poison Noises are releasing new versions of their entire lineup of effects pedals, and have asked us to help showcase these overhauled creations. We’re looking at 2 pedals a week for the next couple months, continuing today with the Glut Cheeks Fuzz V2. Feast your eyes on the newest addition to their fuzz menu – there’s never been a better time to consume all the fuzz you can handle… The...
Read MoreIt’s been a while since we saw an effects pedal from Wounded Paw Audio, and it’s also been a while since we had a bass pedal to review and demo. Luckily, both of these are getting fixed today, with the introduction of the Attack Goat OD DI Bass Pre-Amp, a 2-channel fuzz, overdrive, EQ and more. If you’re looking for a tone-shaping, amp-pushing, low-end machine to handle your 4, 5 or 6-string needs, you’re in...
Read More(This article comes from our friends at GuitarTricks.com – check out their site for tons of guitar-related tips and tricks!!) How To Get The Most Out Of Your Pedals By Steven Kendzorski for Guitar Tricks and 30 Day Singer, the original platform for online guitar lessons. I have GAS, and it’s bad. GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) is a common ailment among new guitar players, triggered by tone-envy, causing them to spend every...
Read MoreLast. month, we had the opportunity to play an incredible overdrive and boost pedal, the aptly-named My Little Klony, from our friends at Daddy Daughter Pedal Works. Shifting gears just a bit today, we’ve got another gem from that crew, coming in the form of the Fuzzy Rick Fuzz. Fans of a certain animated TV show will recognize the name and artwork instantly, but the sounds coming out of this effect are new, inspiring and dirty...
Read MoreOur friends over at Poison Noises are releasing new versions of their entire lineup of effects pedals, and have asked us to help showcase these overhauled creations. We’re looking at 2 pedals a week for the next couple months, continuing today with The Narc Fuzz Distortion V2. The secret is out with this effect, don’t get caught without one…. Packed with a combination of biting distortion and gnarly fuzz tones, The...
Read MoreOur friends over at Poison Noises are releasing new versions of their entire lineup of effects pedals, and have asked us to help showcase these overhauled creations. We’re looking at 2 pedals a week for the next couple months, continuing today with the Gluttonous Fuzz V3. Back for seconds, this one’s coming at ya with all of the delicious noise you were starving for…. Bringing back parameters from all the original...
Read MoreHard to believe it’s been SIX YEARS since we had the pleasure of a pedal from Retro Mechanical Labs grace our presence, but this one definitely made up for lost time. The 432k Rev2 Distortion builds on the original version of the 432k, adding in some modifications to improve tone and give you more sonic options to experiment with. Beauty and brawn are once again combined into a big, gorgeous enclosure, complete with the classic...
Read MoreFrom the first glance at today’s pedal, the Silktone Amps Germanium Fuzz, you can see that it just looks different. And modern. And sophisticated. And exciting. Anytime there’s a meter of any type on any pedal, that’s usually an indicator of something special, and this one is no exception to that rule. Utilizing two germanium transistors at its heart, in the classic FF/TB1.5 topology, this circuit is tweaked to roll...
Read MoreFuzz pedals are awesome. Spitty, gated, nasty fuzz pedals are even awesomer. Today’s pedal, the Zero G IOD Honey Coma Fuzz, can do both, in spectacular fashion. With 4 knobs for a wide range of sounds on tap, this exciting and scary beast will give you a jolt of creativity from the second you plug it into your amplifier… Based on some old hooved honey producer of a fuzz known as the BeeBaa (read our review here), the Honey...
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