Delay / Reverb Archives - Page 7 of 12 - Pedal of the Day

Delay / Reverb

In addition to having a very 1980’s-like look to it, today’s featured pedal brings you the sounds and odd tones of that decade as well. Coming at’cha with a slew of pitch shifting, digital delays and arcade-inspired effects, the Radical Delay II Plus from Alexander Pedals takes you on a trip back to your childhood (depending when you were born, of course) in one of the crazier 10-year stretches we’ve ever seen....

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There are certain series of pedals that seem to really stand the test of time, and stand out themselves, as individuals and as a collective group. The 9 Series and Tone-Lok pedals from Ibanez. Mid-80’s Boss pedals. The late 70’s DOD bigboxes. And, the group we’re going to venture into today: the Hardwire Series from DigiTech. This 10 pedal series featured a wide range of genres to choose from, and today we want to...

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As our “Deadbeat Week” draws to a close here at Pedal of the Day, we’re excited to bring one final effect to you from the “Station” line of pedals from Deadbeat Sound. The Echolation Station is full of gooey delay goodness, boasting a ton of different modes and echoed tones up and down the line. The delay-filled gem gives you a multitude of echo effects, from modern to classic to vintage and everywhere...

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“Deadbeat Week” rolls on here at Pedal of the Day, and Day Three brings us a multi-dimensional effect unit that utters one simple but powerful word: REVERB. Whether it’s Plate, Mod, Church, Hall, Room, Spring, Lo-Fi, Gate, or Reverse reverb that you’re looking for, the Reverberation Station from Deadbeat Sound has you covered. Boasting a simple but effective control section for each of these 9 modes, this...

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The DE7 Delay Echo from the Ibanez Tone-Lok series has an interesting sort of lore to it. Not very expensive or super-popular when first released, it has become a true go-to delay for many players around the world, and absolutely debunks the myth that pedals have to be expensive to sound incredible. We have already taken a look at this classic echo pedal, and all it’s functionality, so today we’re focusing on another...

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Delay is one of our favorite effects – analog, digital, echo, modulated….it doesn’t matter. It always adds some mystique and mystery to any tone or setup, usually getting out into the sonic stratosphere to produce wild, unruly and unexpected tones, something we are huge fans of. Today’s delay pedal has a smooth balance of subtle and extreme, giving you a nice range of options and sounds to play with. The Dakota...

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Reverb. Oscillation. Bit Crushing. These three effects aren’t usually found on the same pedalboard, much less crammed into ONE PEDAL. The folks at AC Noises decided that the marriage of these three needed to happen, and the AMA was born. Meaning “love” in second person imperative (tu, ama! = you, love!), this deceptive gray pedal is one of the funnest noise creators we’ve come across recently, producing...

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Today’s pedal is an awesomely odd one to approach, as it is really 10 pedals in one. The Console from ELTA Music uses a series of interchangeable sound cartridges, each with its own set of three modes, to produce a wide array of tones and auditory revelations that will alter your approach to creating music. We are going to review and demo all 10 of these cartridges eventually, and the next one is our series is the Infinity Big...

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Reverb pedals are fun, we can all agree there’s little doubt about that. But what truly sets one reverb above another? Innovation and uniqueness are key factors for us here at Pedal of the Day, and today’s pedal if nothing if not both innovative and unique. The Arquitecto Fictional Space Reverberator features two cascading modulated reverbs, with different time, voicing and 2 depth modulation settings for each reverb....

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Here’s a good recipe for sonic success: take a Delay pedal, make it TWO delays in one and the ADD in an independent Reverb section….sound good so far? Well, that’s about all you really need, and our Featured Pedal today just happens to showcase all of these features. The Twin Whales from Mammouth Machine has two separate delay lines, running in parallel, plus a lone footswitchable reverb portion to add in all the...

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We here at Pedal of the Day have been fortunate to be able to review and demo many pedals from our friend Eric at Hungry Robot Pedals, which makes us even more excited about today’s featured effect. Having checked out the original Moby Dick Delay, we were excited to see what changes and improvements awaited us in V2 – well, let’s just say that our expectations were exceeded. Aside from the obvious smaller enclosure,...

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There’s just no substitute for a good analog delay, plain and simple. We love the classic, vintage models, the newer modern stuff and pretty much everything in between. Today’s featured pedal falls into the modern category, but boasts sounds and tones reminiscent of the units from decades gone by. The Warp Drive from RPS Effects gives you that tasty vintage delay warmth based on the noteworthy “bucket brigade’...

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Oooooohhhhhhh…..NEW DELAY DAY! We love ’em, and are super-stoked about his one, people. The Temporal Tap Machine from MAK Crazy Sound Technology not only has one of the longest combined names we’ve come across, but has killer delay tones, a ton of sonic options and fantastic sounds to heighten and excite all of your guitar-playing endeavors. With so much packed into a small enclosure, there’s a lot to chat...

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We love a good delay around here, analog OR digital, and there’s only one thing better than having a pedal with one delay, right….? One that has TWO delays! The Deep Space is a dual digital delay from Homenoise Effects, and it features not only two separate echo circuits, but a couple of tasty options that will make it a must-have for anyone who loves clean, crisp and sometimes out-of-this-world delay tones. Lots to...

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A couple weeks back, we reviewed a pedal from do-it-yourselfers MOD Kits DIY, the Suspended Chime Chorus Delay, and were pleasantly surprised by how good an inexpensive pedal could sound. Well, we’re back with another one of theirs today, the Verb Deluxe, a reverb with a basic layout and controls, but with a lot of soul and character to share with the world. If you’re looking for an extra little sparkle to add to your...

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Where do we begin with today’s featured pedal? Just when you thought Joel and the Chase Bliss Audio team couldn’t top themselves, here comes the Thermae, an analog delay and pitch shifter to top all analog delays and pitch shifters. Capable of more out-of-this-world sounds than you’d ever think possible, this blue marvel takes playing music to another echelon, vaulting your creativity and inspiration to entirely new...

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A couple of years ago, a revolutionary delay pedal was unleashed on the market, changing the landscape of effects forever. The Nemesis from Source Audio remains one of the top delays around, even after a few years and a multitude of other have tried to top it. The crew at Source Audio, recognizing this accomplishment, decided to further their sonic adventure and crafted today’s featured pedal, one that’s sure to sit...

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Having reviewed the first and second versions of today’s wicked awesome delay pedal, we were intrigued to see what this latest V3 would bring, and what new and exciting features would be incorporated. Just when you think there are no more improvements to be made, the guys and gals at GFI System manage to top themselves once again, raining down a fury of tones and relatively easy-to-use and intuitive controls, for a well-rounded...

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Today’s pedal is an awesomely odd one to approach, as it is really 10 pedals in one. The Console from ELTA Music uses a series of interchangeable sound cartridges, each with its own set of three modes, to produce a wide array of tones and auditory revelations that will alter your approach to creating music. We are going to review and demo all 10 of these cartridges eventually, and the next one is our series is the Magic Pitched...

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In this current era of “space-saving pedalboard layouts,” isn’t it nice to see some oversized gear that feels no shame for its size and stature? Well, today’s pedal, When The Sun Explodes, from the masterminds down under at Beautiful Noise Effects, comes to you just ripping out of the gates, big and bold and rough all over, just waiting to get a chance to show what it can do. Which is a lot, now that you ask,...

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Jumping into the now-insane world of pedal creation is a daunting task: where to begin, how to solder, what makes a pedal function, etc… Luckily, for anyone who wants to take the plunge, there are companies like MOD Kits DIY, who offer pedal-building kits with different difficulty levels that come with easy to use instructions and use point to point wiring. We’re going to take a look at one of their kits today – The...

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The first pedal we had the pleasure of reviewing and demoing from M.D. Effects, the High Tide, was a gamechanger in the realms of chorus, reverb and delay. Today, we get to explore one of those genres in depth, via another M.D. pedal. The Moondust is a stereo reverb pedal that features wide soundscapes, gorgeous overtones and lush, inspired reverb sounds, all packed into a sparkled, space-themed enclosure, perfect for any musical...

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Today’s pedal is an awesomely odd one to approach, as it is really 10 pedals in one. The Console from ELTA Music uses a series of interchangeable sound cartridges, each with its own set of three modes, to produce a wide array of tones and auditory revelations that will alter your approach to creating music. We are going to review and demo all 10 of these cartridges eventually, and are starting off with the Cathedral Reverb. The...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Dominick F. – you can find him here on Twitter. Thanks again, man! The Meris Polymoon is an incredible delay pedal based off of old Rack unit modules. With relative ease create lush reverb sounds or even syncopated rhythmic trails. With up to 1200ms of delay with or without tap tempo and premium analog JFET inputs, this beast offers crisp and clean high quality audio. Onto some of the controls:...

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The crew at Malekko Heavy Industry have always been up near the forefront of companies creating effects pedals that defy logic, expand minds and throw all caution to the wind. Today’s achievement holds nothing back, either, producing a slew of unorthodox and unusual sounds, twisting and warping your brain as you step into another dimension of time and space. The Thicken does thicken your tone, it’s true, but it does so...

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We’ve had our fair share of reverb pedals come through the shop over the years, and we love it when one arrives that really re-imagines the way that effect should sound. My friends, the Dark Aura Modulated Reverb from Haunted Labs does just that, and more. Taking your favorite bits of ambience and stuffing them through a sonic meat grinder, this pedal takes you to the edge of modulation insanity and space-time travel, for a...

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It’s no secret: WE LOVE DELAY. Old, new, analog, digital – bring it on. There’s a special place in our instrumental hearts for a good tape echo, though, and the Tapex 2 from Mr. Black Pedals is a top-notch inspirational charged delay that echoes (see what we did there?) the echoes of some classic players, songs and tones. A Stereophonic Tape Echo, this silver machine glistens and drips with analog sound, with a ton...

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Continuing our recent trend of some amazing tape delay echo machines, we’ve got another brilliant pedal for you today. The Deluxe Tape Machine Delay from LongAmp not only re-creates some fantastic sounds from the delay-filled 70’s, but does so while offering THREE distinct options, emulating the best tones from three of the most revered and classic delays ever made. Influenced by the Binson Echorec, Roland RE-201 Space...

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We love a good mini, pedalboard-friendly pedal here at Pedal of the Day, and who doesn’t? The crew at CNZ Audio has devised an entire lineup of these little wonders, and we’ve got the first of many coming at you today. The Tape Echo is, well, a tape echo pedal, with a ton of features packed into a small enclosure, and offering a compact fit, but not sacrificing any tone… Designed to emulate vintage reel-to-reel...

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Ibanez DL10 Digital Delay

Ibanez DL10 Digital Delay

Posted By on Friday, February 23, 2018 in Delay / Reverb, Ibanez | 0 comments

For some reason, the “Power Series” of pedals made by Ibanez/Maxon in the mid-to-late 80’s don’t get the respect they truly deserve, and we’re bringing you another one of those pedals today to prove it. The DL10 Digital Delay is a simply-controlled, excellent-sounding and now extremely affordable delay effect, one that should definitely be popping up on more boards across the globe. Famed for its crystal...

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With a long-standing tradition of being anything but traditional, Dwarfcraft Devices have been pushing, reshaping and demolishing the sonic envelopes that we are all used to, and show no signs of stopping that in the near future. A perfect example of the inventive and creative products they’re producing is today’s pedal, the Grazer, a bright orange behemoth that acts as a granular repeater, delay, sampler, and all out wack...

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Ahhh, delay….our favorite effect. It comes in so many different shapes and colors and flavors and options, and we love ’em all – not equally, though. Once in a while, an effects pedal makes its way to our shop and we are absolutely blown away, and today’s pedal did exactly that as soon as we plugged it in. The Echoczar Analog Delay from Toneczar Effects is a BBD-infused, vintage-inspired, modulated black beauty...

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Who doesn’t love a good bit of ambience in their music? Well, lots of folks, probably, but for those of us that dig it, today’s pedal is going to blow your mind. The Astronaut V.2 from Shift Line is a multiverb space reverb unit, with numerous program algorithms to choose from and tones that stretch beyond the far reaches of outer space. A space-saver without a large manual to try and decipher, this plug and play beauty is...

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Today’s featured effect not only showcases some incredible sonic prowess from the designers, it also gives a nod to one of our favorite television shows EVER. For those of you who marveled in ‘Stranger Things’ like most of the rest of the world, you’ll surely recognize the name Demogorgon, the moniker given to this insane pedal. Blending in elements of fuzz, tremolo and reverb, this beastly monster sounds...

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You all have fun at NAMM last week(end)? Well, we’ve got one of the premiere effects from the show for you RIGHT NOW! Continually pushing the musical envelope is what it’s all about these days, especially in the crowded effects pedal market. Colt and the squad at Walrus Audio seem to be keeping themselves up near the lead in this crazy race, and with today’s pedal, they just might take the lead. The Fathom is a...

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While everyone is always out to find a great deal, there don’t seem to be a ton of decent options for low-priced gear that sounds great in the world of effects pedals. That all changed when we plugged in today’s featured pedal and went for a funky, delay-filled ride down the rabbit hole. The Time Force from NUX is a multi modulation digital delay, with a ton of different echo modes and fun around every delay-infused...

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We’ve all had a pedal, effects or vintage sound-making machine that has peaked our curiosity for years, but have never had the ways or means to acquire said piece of gear. One of the most famous of these is undoubtedly the Echoplex EP-3 from Maestro, a warm echo machine full of tasty modulated delays, and one responsible for many of the classic and iconic recorded tones ever put down on tape. These units, however, are...

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2-in-1 pedals are fairly badass, and always welcome into the musical fold around here. Every once in a while, however, we get to check out the rare and even more fun THREE-in-1 pedal, one of which has graced us with its presence today. The High Tide from M.D. Effects is a chorus, reverb and delay all mixed together, with a boatload of options for tweaking this sonic beauty to fit literally any musical situation you may come across...

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Meris Mercury7 Reverb

Meris Mercury7 Reverb

Posted By on Friday, January 5, 2018 in Delay / Reverb, Meris | 0 comments

Ambient reverb pedals have been all the rage over the last few years, and today’s featured pedal stands right up there with the best of them. The Mercury Seven were the first group of American astronauts to be chosen to go to space, way back in 1959, and the Mercury7 Reverb pays homage to their journey into the unknown. An options-laden reverb pedal that sends you high into the atmosphere, with no real knowledge of if...

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Delay is pretty much our favorite effect around here, from a slight slap back to an endless echo through space and time, and today’s function-filled pedal takes us on a journey that covers just about all the bases you need in the delay world. The Andromeda from Seymour Duncan is labeled as a dynamic digital delay, but there are wonderful analog aspects present here, too, plus some modulation, MIDI stuff and more. A real...

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Combining delay and reverb into one effect should absolutely be done more often, especially if the result is anything like today’s featured piece of gear. Improving a bit on the first version of this pedal, the Caverns Delay Reverb V2 takes everything we loved from the initial go-round and fine tunes it all into a still-compact enclosure with amazing sonic prowess. With three reverb modes and an analog, tape-style delay,...

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There’s a decent chance you’ve heard of the famous Echoplex EP-3 Tape Delay from Maestro, made popular in the 70’s and 80’s by Andy Summers, Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen, and Brian May, among others. You may also know that these older units are finicky, tricky to repair, costly at times and not always the most road-worthy for the touring musician. That’s where today’s pedal comes in: the Belle Epoch...

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There are a ton of great reverb pedals on the market right now, so you’ve got to do something to stand out from the pack to succeed. The crew at JHS Pedals is pretty good at that in general, and today’s pedal is no exception. The Spring Tank Reverb not only provides lush, amp-type spring reverb tones, but gives you a second channel from which to select for a different reverb depth at any given moment. The two independent...

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If you haven’t noticed by now, we like delay pedals here…a lot. Needless to say, we were pretty stoked to hear about the release of the Rubberneck Analog Delay from DOD / DigiTech, and were finally able to get our hands on one to review and demo for you. Let’s just say this machine has a cool retro vibe, with echo sounds spanning decades, and more options in an analog delay pedal than we may have ever seen. Buckle...

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Having been fans of Ryan Adams’ music for years, we were pretty stoked about his collaboration with JHS Pedals and PaxAm Records in the form of today’s featured effect, the VCR (Volume-Chorus-Reverb). Inspired by 80’s guitar heroes and Ryan’s signature sound, this pedal takes three effects, crams them into one box and gives you a ton of combination options for adding slight nuances of sound or bold, fat tonal...

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Boss RV-500 Reverb

Boss RV-500 Reverb

Posted By on Thursday, November 16, 2017 in Boss, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

After the success of the DD-500 Delay pedal they put out late in 2015, Boss decided to ride the wave and issue two more similarily-shaped but vastly different effects machines, one of which we’ll take a look at today. The MD-500 focuses on modulation effects, and we have a review coming up for that one, but let’s check out the RV-500 right now, a mega-powerful reverb with more ambient options than you can shake a Fender...

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In the land of 2-in-1 effects pedals, there are a ton of fairly familiar combinations we’ve encountered over the years – Boost/Overdrive, Delay/Reverb, Chorus/Vibrato, etc. Today’s pedal takes a bit of a left turn from the norm, combining Overdrive and Reverb, for a marvelous new sonic equation. The Sentinel from Australia’s own Midnight Amplification mixes these two effects in a unique yet extremely useable...

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With all the powerful delays that have been coming out over that last couple of years, we were still REALLY excited about today’s featured pedal. After checking out the Reverb pedal from Empress Effects last year, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on the all new Echosystem, a Dual Engine Delay with the same look and feel of its predecessor. Needless to say, it was quite impressive right out of the box, and even more so...

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Reverb and Delay are based in similar categories, the main one being ambience. Fantastic individually, these two effects really take it to the next level when combined and played together, and that’s exactly what happened with today’s featured pedal. The Sky Fi from Alexander Pedals is a reverb and delay wrapped into one silvery enclosure, exploding with echoes, shimmers and all the ambient tones you can handle. Reverb...

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