Delay / Reverb Archives - Page 6 of 12 - Pedal of the Day

Delay / Reverb

What’s better than an absolutely GIANT effects box laying at your feet? Well, maybe some other things, but it’s still pretty cool. From the short but distinguished list of these beasts, we bring you a somewhat underdog in a world of Memory Men and Guitar Synthesizers: the VM1 Vintage Time Machine Delay Echo Chorus Vibrato from Behringer. An analog delay with a few tricks up its sleeve, this powerhouse is big, bad, and...

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Ever the electronics wizard, tinkerer and innovator, Robert Keeley continues to amaze and excite us around every musical corner. Like today, for example, where we’re gonna check out one of the latest in a long and distinguished lineup of effects pedals coming out of Edmond, OK. The DDR from Keeley Electronics is a 3-in-1 pedal, featuring Over(D)rive, (D)elay and (R)everb, and bringing the best of these three genres together to...

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Over the years here at Pedal of the Day, we’ve had the opportunity to check out some of the marvelous pedals from GFI System, including all three versions of their Clockwork Delay, and the awesome Specular 2 Reverb. Taking things up a notch, they released the Specular Tempus, a reverb/delay combination with more features than you’ll know what to do with, and more incredible sounds than you’ll be able to count....

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Boss DD-8 Digital Delay

Boss DD-8 Digital Delay

Posted By on Saturday, November 16, 2019 in Boss, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

The DD series of compact delay pedals from Boss has been a staple on pedalboards all over the world since the DD-2 was introduced in 1983. Over the years, there have been a number of models produced, with each one building on the previous incarnation and increasing the flexibility of how compact delays should work. The DD-3, DD-5, DD-6 and DD-7 are now followed by Boss’ newest creation, the DD-8. Combining elements from all...

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We love a good, solid, inexpensive pedal around here, and we’ve been fortunate enough to have more than a couple of effects from our friends at Caline come through our shop. About six months ago, a Reverb/Delay combo showed up on our door, sporting the moniker Ghost Rain. While this pedal was a nice dive into both of those worlds, today’s pedal takes it up a couple notches further. The CP-80 Ragnarok is an updated version...

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Boss DD-200 Digital Delay

Boss DD-200 Digital Delay

Posted By on Sunday, October 6, 2019 in Boss, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

We all know Boss has been one of the pioneers, innovators and leaders in the world of effects pedals for decades now, and their lineup of delay effects are second to none. Constantly seeking to improve, however, they have now bestowed upon us their newest echo iteration, one that aims to give you a complete delay package in one simple enclosure, once and for all. The DD-200 is a compact machine that absolutely oozes delay, with...

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We’re not exactly sure why is happens or what the circumstances have to do with the outcome, but every time an amplifier company gets into the pedal game, chances are it’s going to be something pretty rad. Taking all of that electrical prowess and harnessing it into a smaller form is a tricky thing to pull off, or so one would think. Milkman Sound becomes the latest to attempt such a feat, and their solo flagship pedal is...

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Weird, exciting delay and reverb pedals are always at the forefront of our minds, and we’re always wishing that more would come through the studio. Our wish came tru in a powerful way via today’s featured pedal, the Rêver Reverse Delay and Reverb from Old Blood Noise Endeavors. A collaboration between OBNE and the band Datachoir from Brooklyn, this monster of an effect will take you on a wild sonic ride, sure to open up...

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Who says a great pedal has to be wicked expensive? Well, as evidenced by some of their newer pedals, TC Electronic says you can have a good balance of affordable and pricy intertwined in one company. After the exciting success of the JUNE-60 Chorus, we wanted to check out some more pedals on TC’s budget-friendly line, and came across The Prophet. A digital delay with studio quality sound, this gem produces some outstanding...

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We haven’t had an acoustic effect come through the office in a little while, so we were more than excited to get to check out today’s pedal. The Align Series Acoustic Delay from L.R. Baggs brings a classic effect to acoustic musicians by optimizing the signal for high-fidelity instruments, and giving you a decent amount of options in a small package. Combing analog and digital circuitry qualities together for a powerful...

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Reverb pedals come in many shapes and sizes, from a simple one or two-knob configuration to the most outlandish, extravagant effects machines on the planet. Today, we’re going to look at one that harkens towards the simpler side, but that by no means means isn’t absolutely powerful as can be. The Moby Depth Reverb from Jonny Rock Gear utilizes Accutronics™ (Belton) digital reverb technology, resulting in a lush,...

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Another delay is upon us, friends, and this one has got some crazy features, interesting textures and gorgeous sounds throughout. The Oblivion Vintage Delay comes to us from Alexander Pedals, and is an “exploration of what exists in the darkest corners of the sonic universe.” Able to span decades in a single pedal, this glorious echo brings vintage sounds, warm delays and even a tasty bit of modulation along on its...

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Let’s face it: we all know about Chase Bliss Audio and their contribution to the effects pedal world by now, right? From their classic Warped Vinyl and Wombtone flagship effects to the uber-popular Tonal Recall and Thermae delays, as well as the most recent M O O D Granular Looper and a bunch of others in their lineup, the innovation and advancement they’ve brought to the table is quite stellar. In keeping with this slew...

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Well, our old pals at Walrus Audio are at it again. As if the Fathom Multi Function Reverb wasn’t enough, now they’ve dropped another ambient bomb on us all, one that’s sure to entice and excite. The Slö is a Multi Texture Reverb, a pedal that creates lush, ambient and even modulated soundscapes, bringing dreams from your subconscious to reality. Sound fun? You bet it is…. Starting things off, Decay sets your...

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If we had to pick a desert island effect genre, there would be only one answer: DELAY. Spanning back decades and inspiring and enticing players throughout the years, delay and echo pedals are some of the funnest, creativity-building effects out there. Today’s pedal, however, takes everything you thought you knew about delay and tosses it inside-out, upside-down and round and round we go. The Polymoon from Meris is a modulated...

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The T-Rex Effects Replicator Junior Tape Echo was one of our favorite delays that has ever come through the office, and we were excited to see if there were any more delays made by this fantastic company from Denmark. As luck would have it, we stumbled across today’s pedal, the Replay Box Stereo Delay, an extremely small but wicked powerful straightforward delay, with stereo options and 3, count them THREE, seconds of delay...

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NUX Atlantic Delay Reverb

NUX Atlantic Delay Reverb

Posted By on Monday, July 1, 2019 in Delay / Reverb, NUX | 0 comments

Peanut Butter and Jelly. Hall & Oates. Burgers and Beer. Delay and Reverb. Some things were just meant to be paired together, and the latter two on this list are featured in today’s pedal. The Atlantic from NuX is a combo delay/reverb effect, with each side featuring 3 classic takes on sounds from decades past. With tap tempo, shimmer and a few other options, this is a pedal that can take up just a little space on your...

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The small, powerful, one-button effects pedals from Henretta Engineering have been some of our favorites over the years, but we also like it when they combine a couple of ’em into one slightly larger enclosure. Recently, we saw the power of the Lake Effect, which combined their Bluebird Fuzz and Crimson Tremolo, as well as the Planetarium, which paired up the Moody Blue Reverb and Golden Years Phaser. Today, we bring you another...

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Innovation is at the forefront for all of the effects pedals coming out from Chase Bliss Audio, and has been since they began. We’re going to dive right in to their latest tasty concoction, a 2-channel micro looper, delay and reverb pedal that breaks all the boundaries that they’ve already broken, and then some more. A collaborative effect with the crews from Drolo FX and Old Blood Noise Endeavors, MOOD is really gonna...

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“Wait a minute, Doc. Ah…are you telling me you built a time machine…out of a DeLorean?” Thus begins one of the greatest time-travel adventures ever to be created for the big screen, Back to the Future. Not only is this a personal favorite here at Pedal of the Day, but to millions of movie-goers across the globe. You may be asking yourself, “Why is a pedal review talking about a 30+ year-old movie starring...

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Ask anyone who loves pedals about some of the most innovative effects to come out in the last couple years, and you’ll hear the name Meris time and time again. Continually innovating the industry with their option-laden, size-friendly and sonically adventurous pedals, they always seem to be at the forefront of the conversation. We’re gearing up to take a look at their latest today, a quirky, pitch-shifting delay pedal...

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Do we like Modulation effects here at Pedal of the Day? Yes. What about Delay? Check. Reverb? Of course. What about all of them in one pedal, one that fits into the palm of your hand and costs less than 100 bucks? Sign us up!! Today’s pedal is all of these things and more – the CRL-1 Coral Modulation Delay Reverb from Valeton is small, affordable and boasts a slew of sounds you might not expect would fit into an enclosure...

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If you’ve had the chance to check out our series “The Klone Wars” on YouTube, you may have noticed a pedal called the Pegasus from a company called Caline. This overdrive not only holds its own against some of the more well-known klones out there, it also proves that you don’t have to be expensive to sound fantastic. Today, we’ve got another budget-friendly effect from Caline, this time in the form of a...

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Eventide has been releasing some of the most incredible stompboxes we’ve seen over the last decade, including the ModFactor, Space Reverb, PitchFactor and the incredible H9, to name a few. With such a wide array of multi-function effects, what would they focus on next? The answer comes to us in gorgeous fashion in The Rose, producing a modulated delay that hones in on tones that embrace the analog/digital hybrid world, with a...

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The effects that have previously come from Dr. Scientist have always had a little bit of a learning curve, so we expected the same when today’s pedal arrived….but WOW! The Atmosphere Reverb is an absolute sonic mammoth, covering the bases of just about every single reverb mode, sound and option you could want, with a couple of other things thrown in for good measure. It even has a colorful display screen, MIDI and the...

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Delay is probably our favorite type of effect here at Pedal of the Day, and it’s always interesting to see the different ways companies come up with to produce echo sounds. Some are straightforward, some come with 1,000 different options, and some, like the Cusack Music TME, are a nice mix of bold tones and easy controls. This blue-green little gem packs a punch into a small enclosure, sporting just 3 control knobs and one...

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The effects that have come out of the Red Panda camp since their inception have been radical, unpredictable, exciting and pretty much game-changing for this industry. Their latest adventure into the sonic unknown gives us a tape delay like no other we’ve heard – time stretching, pitch shifting, loop sampling and intelligent randomization are the names of the game here, people. The Tensor is a wildly entertaining,...

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The pedals we’ve seen coming out of the Strymon camp for years now have been nothing short of impressive, game-changing and true masterpieces where the future direction of the effects industry is concerned. Their latest arrived with the usual hype and was met with, as far as we can tell, an immediate thumb’s up type of response, which is now to be expected. We finally got our hands on one, and are excited to delve into the...

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Loophole Pedals thrives on their ability to navigate the unique tones these delay produce and add useful, thoughtful and exciting mods to them, turning an already great pedal into an exquisite one. Today we’re going to check out the TC Electronic Alter Ego x4 Vintage Delay Looper, and see what a few simple mods can do to really open up this marvelous effect. Here’s what Loophole Pedals did to our lovely Alter Ego x4: Footswitch...

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The wonderful world of multi-effects has had quite a resurgence in the last couple of years, with bigger, more powerful machines that actually sound incredible being put on the market. With all of these fantastic sounds and options available, there’s also been a considerable price hike in these effects units, too, making it hard for those on a lower budget to even be able to test them out, to see if it’s a good fit for...

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There are a TON of tape echo/delay pedals out on the market these days, and there have been for years, but how many of them can say they use REAL TAPE to achieve the sounds they create? Precious few, honestly, especially ones that aren’t decades old and riddled with maintenance problems and unavailable or expensive replacement parts. The first Replicator from T-Rex solved those problems, as they released a fresh, modern and much...

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For all the pedals we’ve had the pleasure to peruse from our friends at Free The Tone, we’ve never come across a bad apple, and there’s no reason for that to change now. Their latest endeavor is a wonderfully exploratory delay unit, rivaling the Flight Time delays, but with a new, unique sound. The FF-1Y Future Factory RF Phase Modulation Delay “succeeds in creating a new modulation sound with a unique method,...

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There’s no shortage of incredible effects pouring out of the Keeley Electronics office, and with each one, we’re taken aback a bit by the sheer ingenuity and creativity they possess, especially the Workstation Series. Looking at another one of those today, we’re excited to bring you the Dark Side, a Fuzz Delay Phaser Vibe Flanger extravaganza, with tasty fuzz tones and all the modulation you can handle. Conjuring up...

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The DD series of delay pedals from Boss is arguably one of the most successful lines ever produced, and there’s a good chance you’ve had at least one of these digital wonders on your pedalboard at one time or another (or do currently). While they are certainly celebrated in their stock form, they also have been extremely adaptable to modifications, and that’s what we’re going to look at today. Loophole Pedals thrives on their ability...

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The last time an effects pedal from Beautiful Noise Effects came through our office, it was the large and exciting “When the Sun Explodes”, a marvelous Reverb and Distortion mixed together to form a powerful and inspiring pedal. When we heard they were sending us their newest creation, our interest and excitement went through the roof, and we couldn’t wait to get our hands on it. The Endless Sleeper arrived, and...

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We really dug the first iteration of the Panther Cub Analog Delay from JHS Pedals, as it took everything we knew and loved about the original Panther Delay and condensed it, along with adding in a couple more features. As is the hip thing these days, halving the size of the first model wasn’t taking it far enough, so JHS produced the Panther Cub V2, which is half the size of the half-sized Panther Cub 1/1.5… Got that?...

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The effects pedals coming out of Eau Claire, Wisconsin from Dwarfcraft Devices have been exquisite for years now, and their two newest endeavors keep that train a’rollin’. The first of these is the Treeverb, a multi-purpose reverb pedal with that classic Dwarfcraft spin, adding in some noise, some pitch-shifting, of course, and an intuitive control section that anyone can use with ease. Combining three separate reverb...

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The DD series of delay pedals from Boss is arguably one of the most successful lines ever produced, and there’s a good chance you’ve had at least one of these digital wonders on your pedalboard at one time or another (or do currently). While they are certainly celebrated in their stock form, they also have been extremely adaptable to modifications, and that’s what we’re going to look at today. Loophole Pedals...

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Not really sure where to begin with today’s featured pedal…. the crew at Meris has been crushing the effects game over the last couple years, and the Enzo was one highly anticipated pedal when it was released. A true multi-voice synthesizer in a box, this magnificent gold beauty takes everything you knew about synth pedals and flips it upside down, spins it around and jettisons it into the far reaches of space. The sonic...

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Moog. You’ve heard the name for decades now, and, if you’re lucky, have had the pleasure of testing out or even owning some of their gear. One of the most sought-after and incredible effects they made was the Moogerfooger MF-104M, an analog delay considered by many to be the finest ever created. This delay delivers tone upon tone, echo options for days and will bring inspiration to anyone who gets a chance to plug one in....

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The first incarnation of the Hall of Fame Reverb pedal from TC Electronic hit the market and took off like crazy, as it should have, delighting reverb fans around the world with its small size and huge stature. A couple years after that, a surprise release peaked everyone’s interests once again – the Hall of Fame 2 had arrived. Building on the awesome foundation established by its big brother, this new version took it up a...

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Innovation, inspiration and next-level thinking have become key aspects of the effects pedal industry. With a HUGE wave of companies popping up over the last number of years, you really need to have your gear stand out from the rest to avoid being sucked into the abyss of oversaturation that can present itself. Today’s pedal is not just three different effects in one, it is a complete work of art. The Black Hole Symmetry from...

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Another day, another delay….and why not? They’re only the most fun effects out there, and we’ll review and demo ’em as long as companies keep making ’em! Speaking of making exceptional pedals, today’s gem comes to us from Mr. Black, longtime maker of intriguing devices and inspiring tone machines, and this one is no exception. The SS-850 is a solid state echo chamber delay unit, featuring a retro...

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WE. LOVE. DELAY. PEDALS. There, we finally said it….again. Multi-delay effects are some of our favorites, as they can range and vary from mode to mode, opening up so many auditory possibilities, and truly expanding your palette to reveal new musical thoughts and ideas. The Time Warp from CNZ Audio is a delay with many modes, stereo connections and a price point that will blow your mind. Don’t have $400 to spend on the...

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Today’s pedal is an awesomely odd one to approach, as it is really 10 pedals in one. The Console from ELTA Music uses a series of interchangeable sound cartridges, each with its own set of three modes, to produce a wide array of tones and auditory revelations that will alter your approach to creating music. We are going to review and demo all 10 of these cartridges eventually, and the next one is our series is the String Ringer...

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Multi-effect pedals can be hit or miss, as far as options, sound quality and ease of use are concerned. The Slate Stereo Effect from Neunaber Audio Effects is a definite HIT, cramming a ton of tonal candy and functionality into one regular-sized pedal. Complete with software editing on your computer and gorgeous tones coming from every genre programmed into its circuit board, this multi-tasker keeps your sound fresh and your mind...

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We had the opportunity to check out a good chunk of the pedal lineup from Deadbeat Sound a couple months ago, and were more than impressed with their group of multi-functional, affordable pedals. Today’s featured effect is both of those things, with a simple control structure and more-than-affordable pricing. The Delay Lay Lay (great name) is an analog delay that doesn’t mess around with frills, but will give you plenty of...

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Last month, we checked out an extremely underrated pedal from the past, one that really deserves to be talked about more: the DigiTech HardWire DL-8 Stereo Delay Looper. Not being able to help ourselves, we found a counterpart pedal to that beauty, and have it for you today. The RV-7 Stereo Reverb fits in perfectly next to its delay brother, offering up reverberated tones featuring everything from jazz room to surf rock spring to...

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The Carbon Copy from MXR and Jim Dunlop has become a real leader in the way of modern analog delay pedals over the last decade, so it was a welcome sight to see that they decided to release another version of this gem. The Carbon Copy Bright gives you everything that you’ve come to know and love about the original, with a bit of a twist. Let’s see what this lime green gem has in store for us today…. As with the...

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Today’s featured pedal brings to the table a slew of delay modes to choose from, as well as a built-in looper function, external switching capabilities and more. The Canyon Delay Looper from Electro-Harmonix packs a TON of features into a less-than-normal sized enclosure, giving you a lot without sacrificing any space on your board. The Canyon gives you pretty much all the delay options you could ever want, via the 11 different...

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