Bass Archives - Pedal of the Day


I couldn’t wait to dive into today’s pedal after checking out the Ozymandias Dual Overdrive Distortion last month from Animal Factory Amplification. Swapping guitar for bass today, come along as we take a look at the Godeater+ Dynamic Bass Distortion, an effects unit full of tonal and routing options, big, bold sounds and a unique look and feel. This second pedal in the new Animal Factory lineup is just as impressive as...

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Although it’s been a few years since we saw a pedal from Sunnaudio, their previous creations were always intriguing, and I couldn’t wait to check out what they’d been working on since 2021. The answer is the incredible Helion R2D3 Guitar & Bass Preamp, an options-laden powerhouse pedal that gives you ALL the options you could want in a preamp, for either instrument. With specific settings, dipswitches, pots and...

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Hey Hey!! Excited to be back again today with another unique piece of gear from our friends at Animals Pedal. This one is a little different than our usual effects forte, but I love when a rad bass pedal comes through the shop, and this is a good one. The Surfing Polar Bear Bass Overdrive features just three knobs, but trapped inside is an angry low-end beast waiting to be unleashed on the world…oh, and it has an adorable bear...

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Who doesn’t love a good funky bass line, ’70s-tinged fast chords or a quack-quacky lead run? Well, I sure do, which is the main reason I was stoked when the AW-3 Dynamic Wah from Boss showed up on my doorstep. Just playing a wah/filter pedal is instant fun, but when it has as many options as the AW-3 does, it brings a new wave of inspiration and exploration to the table. Get ready to bust out your sweet disco dance moves,...

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While we usually tend to focus on Guitars here, it’s fun to branch out every once in a while and head into LOW END territory, ala the 4-string masterpiece that is the Bass. Today, we’re going to take a look at a small, fun instrument that won’t break the bank is is a great musical tool for kids of ALL ages. The Glarry GW101 Short Scale (25.5″) Electric Bass is perfect for youngsters, beginners and even adults,...

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Although we don’t review bass pedals around here a lot, I always love when they come through, as it forces me to step out of my usual zone and work on something I should be putting more effort into on a regular basis. Today’s pedal, the Trondheim Audio Devices SkarBassOne Analog Bass Compressor EQ Overdrive, wraps three pedals into one, giving you a perfect tone shaper with a little bit of bite if you need it. You can tell...

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We’re always excited for a new Death By Audio release, and today’s latest sonic creation from them focuses on the Low End of all things muscial. The Bass War Bass Fuzz Distortion builds on a classic DBA circuit, gearing it in a different direction and for a different set of players. This silver fox is a louder, wider-ranging, earth-shaking bass fuzz that can get more oomph than any other pedal we’ve ever heard… Grab...

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A few weeks ago, we ventured into the Land of Bass when we reviewed the Gus-Plus Bass-Friendly Overdrive – today, we’re picking up that low-end instrument once again, this time in the genre of blistering fuzz and distortion. The Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B Hella Fuzz strives to resolve many of the common quandaries bassists come across in their search for a fuzz that really works for their instrument and their playing...

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Throughout 2022, we had a great time checking out the effects pedal lineup from our friends at Summer School Electronics, which ranged from overdrive to boost to delay to fuzz and more. Today’s pedal takes one of our favorites of theirs, the Gus-Drive Overdrive, and makes to more friendly to bass players and drop tuning guitarists alike. The Gus-Plus Bass Overdrive beefs up your low frequencies, while still maintaining punch and...

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It’s been a while since we saw an effects pedal from Wounded Paw Audio, and it’s also been a while since we had a bass pedal to review and demo. Luckily, both of these are getting fixed today, with the introduction of the Attack Goat OD DI Bass Pre-Amp, a 2-channel fuzz, overdrive, EQ and more. If you’re looking for a tone-shaping, amp-pushing, low-end machine to handle your 4, 5 or 6-string needs, you’re in...

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The preamps pedals coming through the shop lately have been nothing short of phenomenal, and we’ve got yet another one for you today. The Calico Effects Sunnmanor Preamp is based on the classic Sunn Beta Bass amp’s Single Channel, providing a wide range from tone-shaping preamp to full bore distortion. Simple controls make it easy to use, and the sounds you’ll discover will blow you away… The control section on...

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Effects pedals come in all shapes and sizes, and from all over the world. A company we’ve recently discovered, and have had the opportunity to demo some of their gear, such as the Echidna Overdrive and the FuzZ-2 Bass Fuzz Octave is dpFX Pedals from Preveza, Greece. So far, we’ve been on the Bass Pedals train, and we’ve got another one for you today. The Acheron (Αχέρων) is a Bass Overdrive that aims to make your amp...

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Although we don’t do it as often as we probably should, we love having some bass pedals come into the shop. Recently, our new friends at dpFX Pedals in Greece sent over a trio of effects for us to peruse, starting a month or so ago with the FuzZ-2 Fuzz Octave, and continuing today with the killer Echidna Overdrive. With just a couple of controls, a smaller footprint than it’s older brother and a ton of tone to be found,...

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It’s Bass Time Again! Today, we’ve got a killer bass pedal from an extremely bass-influenced company from Preveza, Greece: dpFX Pedals. The pedal in question is the oddly-named FuzZ-2, which is an explosive fuzz with a bit of octave madness throw in for good measure. Your bass will never sound the same after you play it through this pedal, let’s dig in and see what it’s all about. The FuzZ-2 Bass is a massive...

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Altough we don’t do it as often as we should, a good bass demo is always a fun way to end a long week. And speaking of bass pedals, the crew at Mantic Effects have been building some low end-inspired pieces of gear for years now, several of which we’ve been fortunate enough to tackle here at Pedal of the Day. Today’s effect might not be as flashy as some of those others, but it’s an important piece to any bass...

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Roadie Bass has finally arrived and it will change the way you tune bass guitars. This tuner has all the features of Roadie 2 and a powerful motor which turns even those rusty pegs. Twice as powerful as Roadie 2, Roadie Bass does not require a mobile phone to work, allowing you to tune wherever you are, and lets you tune up to 150 strings on a single charge. Automatically tunes all string instruments including bass, acoustic,...

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FEA Labs Photon Fuzz II

FEA Labs Photon Fuzz II

Posted By on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 in Bass, FEA Labs, Fuzz | 0 comments

When we recently had the opportunity to review the DB-CL Dual Band Compressor Limiter from FEA Labs, we were blown away by what a compressor could truly be, and were excited to check out some more of their gear. Luckily, the Photon Fuzz II arrived and we were able to scratch that itch rather quickly. This fuzz is extremely versatile, with options and tones specifically designed for BOTH guitar and bass, and makes each of them sound...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Jimi Dymond – you can find him on Instagram and with his band Rotten Foxes on Facebook and Bandcamp. Thanks again, Jimi! What can I say? I’m not a fancy man. Technology eludes me, I’m 28 and write on my smartphone with one index finger like a banged up old mum. But there’s one thing I do know about certain types of technology, bass pedals for example. I’ve gone through a lot of...

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While we don’t often do many bass pedal reviews (sorry, guys), we’ve got a pedal today that guitarists AND fans of the low end will appreciate and marvel in. Based on the famed Akai Deep Impact SB-1 Bass Synth, the Future Impact I is also a bass synthesizer pedal, offering more options and parameter controls than the the Akai, but all the while staying true to the sounds it has become famous for creating. Ready to take a...

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Since most of the pedals that come through the shop here are geared towards guitar, today’s pedal was a breath of fresh air, and hopefully an asset to all you bass players out there who think your instrument doesn’t get represented enough (which you’re absolutely right about). The B Station from Hotone Audio is a powerful Preamp + D.I., featuring multiple connections, an FX loop, on-board compressor and more. Since...

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The band Mastodon has been one of our favorites for years, so we were super-stoked to check out a signature pedal from their bass player, Troy Sanders. Working with the crew from Wren and Cuff, the Elephant Skin Distortion was born, and havoc was unleashed on metal fans everywhere. Featuring a well-known Wren and Cuff pedal on one side and a boost on the other, this is one piece of gear that’s sure to find it’s way onto...

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We love it when a pedal works equally for both guitar and bass, and today’s pedal is exactly one of those rare beasts. The El Oso Bass Distortion from Heavy Electronics adds some great dirt and crunch to both instruments, but somehow manages to walk the fine line between the two without overpowering either one. This doesn’t happen very often in the pedal world, and we’re excited to see what it can do for us. Aside...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Max F. – find him on SoundCloud (@MaxFaith)! The Boss DS-1 is a classic circuit that most of us are familiar with. Players have been modifying the little orange boxes for years and the amount of modifications and spinoffs are too numerous to mention. Despite the variety of DS-1 circuit configurations, most specimens seem to impart the same familiar gain-structure that originally made the pedal a...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Max F. – find him on SoundCloud (@MaxFaith)! Darkglass Electronics’ products are quickly becoming the hottest way to sculpt tone in the bass world. The Finnish company makes some of the most musical bass preamps, distortions, and amps on the market right now. Today’s pedal is the Darkglass Microtubes B3K Bass Overdrive. The B3K Overdrive has simple and intuitive controls for sculpting a wide...

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We review a lot of pedals around here, as you may have noticed, and a lot of them have quite a learning curve to figure out all the ins-and-outs, how they work, what they’re capable of, and how to use them to fit a particular style of music. Today’s pedal is pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of that: a one-knob gem that has one function and does it brilliantly, with no fuss, no muss and just some straight-up great tones to...

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Straight outta New Zealand, Red Witch Pedals have been producing some incredible guitar and bass gear since their inception in 2003, and their latest offering is nothing short of a sonic tsunami, raging through your amplifier like a bat out of hell. Marketed as a bass pedal, but fitting in comfortably in the guitar realm as well, the Zeus Bass Fuzz Suboctave is a pedal that’s sure to turn some heads, rattle some eardrums, and...

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As a bass player, it’s nice to add some grit and dirt to my sound when the need arises. Unfortunately, there are many pedals out there that may sound good at home, but get lost in the mix. From low-end loss to a barely perceptible effect, it’s hard to find a good drive at a good price. Thankfully, Pigtronix is here to save the day with the Bass FAT Drive. I’ve had their Philosopher Bass Compressor on my board for...

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For many bassists, an essential pedal in their arsenal is going to be a compressor. It keeps your output consistent, helps cut through a mix, and can eliminate any dead spots to allow for a smooth, even attack. There are a wide variety of options to choose from, and Pigtronix offers a compressor specifically tuned to the lower frequencies of a bass that is quiet, easy to use, and affordable. The Philosopher Bass, based on...

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