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Dirty Boy Preamp

Dirty Boy Preamp

Posted By on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 in Dirty Boy, Preamps | 0 comments

Many moons ago, we had the opportunity to check out a revolutionary Boost/Overdrive pedal from Massive Unity Ltd. called the Dirty Boy T.A.E. Preamp. Today, Dirty Boy is its own company, owned by our pal Danny Gomez, and we’re going to take a look at their latest, simply called the Preamp. With not as many bells and whistles as its predecessor, this one has a simple control section, a few output options and a ton of gorgeous...

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We love a gritty, dirty preamp boost overdrive pedal, because who doesn’t? The Dirty Boy from Massive Unity Ltd. is just that, a powerful, clean-looking but dirty-sounding effect that is powered by T.A.E. (proprietary tube amp emulation) technology. Based on the amp used by legendary guitarist Blues Saraceno, which was built by his dad, this pedal features two different modes, a bunch of options and a whole slew of sounds that...

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In this crazy world of pedal reviewing, I have been extremely fortunate enough to come across some incredible pedals from smaller manufacturers that I probably wouldn’t have even heard of otherwise. Since the market is so competitive, I’m lucky to be able to befriend these builders, and help try to get the word out about their pedals to as many musicians as possible, through all the avenues that are available for Pedal of...

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A lot of overdrive pedals come through the office here. A LOT. As fun as they can be, and as good as they can sound, we like it when the circuits get crazy and offer some options we haven’t seen before. Such is the case with today’s Limited Edition pedal, the Spiral Electric FX Yellow Spiral LF351 Overdrive. With a rare opamp and 3 different texture settings, this one sounds different from any other drive we’ve come...

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My name is Luis Aznarez, I am from Barcelona, Spain and I have a pedal company called Lefa Pedals located in Seattle, Washington How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I started playing bass more than 25 years ago. A friend from school told me to join his band. My musical knowledge at that time was practically non-existent, I thought that a bass was a 4-string guitar that did...

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The sounds of AC/DC have echoed through concert halls, dorms, bedrooms, vans, strip clubs and just about any other place you could think of for close to 50 years now. Many have tried to capture their classic sound, and many have gotten close. Today’s re-creation attempt comes to us from our pals in France, in the form of the Anasounds High Voltage Plexi Distortion. This dirty, overdriven beauty conjures up tones reminiscent of...

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Sean Wright Traverse City, Michigan Co-owner of Lollygagger FX How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I first started out as a frustrated drummer who would keep time like a broken clock….at least twice during the song I’d be in time. I think I was 16 when I started playing an instrument. A year later we moved into an apartment and that was...

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Complex delay pedals can be confusing, sometimes hard to figure out and even extremely frustrating, but the payoff for hard work and actually reading the manual will ALWAYS pay off. That said, the Echolution 2 Deluxe Delay from our friends at Pigtronix features a more-than-slight learning curve, but it also packed with options and delay sounds not heard very often, in any pedal or context. This delay is set up sort of like other delay...

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Today’s guest review comes to us from Coe S. – find him on Instagram (@coeschneider) and say Hi! Hey! Those Seymour Duncan guys make pickups! But this, my friends, is a pedal. I picked this bad boy up used at a screaming deal. I was looking to get a delay with tap abilities, but outside of that I didn’t have any preference other than cost. The feature set on this delay is great, not only does it have tap functions...

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