A few weeks ago, we ventured into the Land of Bass when we reviewed the Gus-Plus Bass-Friendly Overdrive – today, we’re picking up that low-end instrument once again, this time in the genre of blistering fuzz and distortion. The Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie B Hella Fuzz strives to resolve many of the common quandaries bassists come across in their search for a fuzz that really works for their instrument and their playing situation…
The Pickle Pie B builds on the basic skeleton of the original Pickle Pie pedal, a “guitar” pedal that a lot of bassists started buying, due to its ability to handle the low frequencies of the bass, and give a nice spongy fuzz sound. Along with great sounding fuzz, the FET-hybrid clipping section helps the fuzz to mesh with the clean signal in a natural way, instead of just sitting on top of the dry signal like some fuzzers with clean blends can do. The Blend knob is a key ingredient here, letting you perfectly balance your wet and dry signals to taste.
The widened tone-stack range is geared specifically for bass, giving you a much less pronounced mid-scoop, which helps it to retain presence in a live playing situation. The Saturation (Fuzz) knob to make it highly usable at lower gain settings, while also providing range from a dirty, gritty, slightly over-driven clean-blended bass sound, to fully saturated, watch out for feedback, drop-C meltdown, and everything in-between. Various caps and resistors have been changed, along with several core changes to the circuit, to even better accommodate the bass guitar.
Simply put, we love the sound of the Pickle Pie B Hella Fuzz. It can get downright dirty, but still maintains a level of clarity and punch not often associated with bass-centric effects units. And that Blend knob is the perfect touch, really letting you explore how the tones from this pedal can work for you and your rig. Thanks once again to our friends at Wren and Cuff for letting us investigate this green beauty – be sure to visit their website for more info and more pedals, and be sure to check out our demo video below as well – cheers!!
Affiliate Links:
Sweetwater – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MX05KP
Vintage King – https://vintagekingaudio.sjv.io/nLGZd7
StewMac – https://stewmac.sjv.io/P0X7BQ
Amazon – https://amzn.to/3FN04Mq
March 1, 2025
Hey! Have you tried this on an electric guitar? I see you said the original pedal was a guitar pedal. I’d ideally like a fuzz that works well with both bass and guitar. Thanks!
March 1, 2025
I haven’t yet, but I’m sure it would CRUSH on guitar as well!!