Sundance Electronics HI-1 Fuzz - Pedal of the Day

Sundance Electronics HI-1 Fuzz

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 in Fuzz, Harmonic Percolator, Sundance Electric | 0 comments

Sundance Electronics HI-1 Fuzz

We love working with new, up-and-coming pedal companies, and today’s effect comes from one that we’re stoked about. Coming out of Lake Forest, CA, the Sundance Electronics HI-1 Fuzz has just one knob, along with three toggle switches. This minimalist setup actually has a lot of range, and the circuit is a take on the infamous Interfax Harmonic Percolator. Loud, gritty and raucous, this pedal is a beast from the west…

So, the big knob on the HI-1 Fuzz controls the output volume, which can differ depending on where the toggles are set. The Gain switch allows you to switch from high gain to mid gain, while the Mid switch dials back the harsh mids just a bit. The Comp switch goes between a standard, more compressed feel and a more open, higher headroom feel. Different switch combinations result in different volume drops or boosts – just use that big old knob accordingly, and everything will be golden.

The sleek look and feel, the great fuzz tones, the ease of use – there’s nothing not to love about the HI-1 Fuzz. Punishing eardrums, amplifiers and anything else that gets in its way, this beast comes roaring out of the gates with bold but crisp fuzz tones and tonal enhancement for days. Really digging this first pedal from Sundance Electronics – we’ve got another one for you coming soon, so stay tuned for that! Don’t forget to visit them on Reverb, and be sure to hear the HI-1 Fuzz in action in our demo video below! Happy Holidays!!


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