Valco FX KGB Fuzz - Pedal of the Day

Valco FX KGB Fuzz

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 in Eastwood Guitars, Fuzz, Valco FX | 0 comments

Valco FX KGB Fuzz

Last year, we got our hands on a BloodBuzz Fuzz Overdrive from Eastwood Guitars and Valco FX. It was a BIG, mammoth of a pedal, with killer tones and a ton of options. The second offering from Valco FX comes your way today, in the form of the KGB Fuzz. This smaller (but still bigger than most) effects unit is a multi-function, tone-sculpting machine, with all the switches, knobs and sliders you’ll need to produce some incredible music.

One of the best parts of the KGB Fuzz has got to be the Blend fader/slider on the left. This should be on every pedal, hands down, and we love how you can perfectly dial in just the right mix of dry signal and effect. The Impedance Selector changes the input impedance value, allowing you to change the tonality of the fuzz, dry signal, or any other pedal down the line, recreating lower impedance sounds of vintage fuzz pedals. The Line/Inst switch activates the Impedance Selector when set to ‘Inst’ – in the ‘Line’ position, impedance is fixed.

The Fuzz knob controls, well, the amount of fuzz. The Tone knob controls the tonal voicing, which is modified by the 4-position rotary switch, bypassed completely when Voice is set to off. Level controls the overall output volume of the Fuzz section/circuit, as well as increases the output headroom, so you’ll never go unheard! In our demo below, we’re running this one using both Outputs, too: one with the fuzz effect, one dry, then mixing them together.

Valco FX KGB Fuzz 2

The Voice knob selects the fuzz voice, giving you 4 differing options. In the OFF position (Tone Bypass), the KGB acts as a 2-Knob fuzz, using the Fuzz and Level controls only. Position 1 (Mid Scoop) introduces a 1Khz EQ dip, giving you a Muff-style fuzz. Position 2 (3-Knob Mode) has a more neutral EQ curve with increased mid focus, great for both rhythm and lead fuzz tones. Position 3 (Gated) uses the same EQ circuit as Voice 2, configuring the fuzz section to enter deep bias saturation with the introduction of an extra input drive stage. The more you drive, the more gnarly and gated the sound becomes, for a classic gated/starved fuzz sound.

Distributed exclusively by Eastwood Guitars, the Valco FX KGB Fuzz was designed specifically to work with K (keys, synths), G (guitar) and B (bass). Working perfectly within a sound-creation chain, or as a regular standalone fuzz, this one covers a LOT of ground. Aside from sounding incredible, it looks modern and futuristic, with a sturdy metal gray enclosure and a slick, crisp design. So much to talk about here…but you should probably just watch the demo below for more info, and to hear this one for yourself. Cheers to Valco FX and Eastwood Guitars on another powerhouse of a pedal – be sure to visit their website and give ’em a follow on the socials!


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