Diffractor Soundings Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser - Pedal of the Day

Diffractor Soundings Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 in Diffractor Soundings, Modulation, Phasers | 0 comments

Diffractor Soundings Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser

The Arboretum Stereo Tremolo from our new friends at Diffractor Soundings was one of the best pedals we’ve seen in a hot minute when it came to us a couple weeks ago, and we couldn’t wait for more from these guys. Luckily, their latest release is upon us just like that – come along as we explore the incredible Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser. Just like its predecessor, this big box has more knobs and switches and options than you’ll know what to do with, and it’s all simply fantastic…

Diffractor Soundings Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser 2

The Chromatic Journey is an analog stereo phaser effect pedal. It is digitally controlled by a program that was specifically designed for this pedal, stretching the limits of the typical phaser and allowing its user to interact with it in many different ways, thus making it a creative and versatile tool. Developed specifically for it, the Chromatic Journey’s LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) has 8 different waveforms, from classic to experimental, and offers a wide range of sounds to its user.

Diffractor Soundings Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser 3

The varied phasing stages as well as feedback control contribute in bringing a lot of color to this effect. Also featured on the Chromatic Journey are a Tap Tempo, controls over the depth and height of the oscillation (that itself controls the effect) and a multiplier affecting the speed of the phaser. But it is mainly the pedal’s “Interactor” functions that allow users to manipulate the LFO’s oscillation in 6 different playful ways, truly setting the Chromatic Journey apart. Finally, the possibility to use an expression pedal, a CV signal (0-5V) or an external Tap Tempo also add to the versatility of the pedal.

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The Chromatic Journey Stereo Analog Phaser is most definitely an effects unit geared towards experimentalists, knob-twisters and musical adventurers, and it also sounds really, really good. Next to Delay, Phasers are probably my favorite type of effect, and when you’ve got this many seemingly limitless sonic possibilities, it’s hard for ANYONE not to agree (even the most jaded phaser-haters). Be sure you head over to the Diffractor Soundings website for ordering and for all the info on this one, and don’t miss our lengthy demo video below. We dig and dive deep with this crimson beauty – be sure to grab your headphones, and comment/like/subscribe while you’re there…cheers!!

Affiliate Links:
Sweetwater – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MX05KP
Vintage King – https://vintagekingaudio.sjv.io/nLGZd7
StewMac – https://stewmac.sjv.io/P0X7BQ
Amazon – https://amzn.to/3FN04Mq

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