Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amp - Pedal of the Day

Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amp

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Saturday, August 31, 2024 in Amplifier, Marla Amplification | 0 comments

Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amplifier

We love checking out anything local, and are excited to bring you all the first design from our new friends at Marla Amplification here in beautiful Asheville, NC. The S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amp has just a couple of controls on the front panel, but there is a lot to discover within this gorgeous-sounding circuitry. Mixing modern and classic tones alike, to create a wonderful musical stew, we think you’ll all dig this amp as much as we did, for sure…

Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amplifier 2

The S10V is a universal amplifier, built to achieve recognizable tones across multiple genres. Its schematics and components are inspired by early American Tweeds. Its Class A output will give you the midrange body that reminds players of AC Style amps. The S10V runs hot for a single 6V6, taking you to places most single ended 6V6 amps can’t go. The reactivity to these high voltage plates will remind you of iconic British Lead tones. All of this supplies you with a bold, unique, and very versatile foundation from which you can build your personalized sound.

Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amplifier 3

Amp Features:

  • Tubes: ECC81, 6V6GT, 5Y3S
  • Inputs: Low Sensitivity & High Sensitivity
  • Controls: Volume, Tone
  • Wattage: 10.8 Watts
  • Speaker: Mojotone Anthem 50W
  • Impedance: 8ohm
  • Cab: 3/4″ Solid Pine. 20″x20″x9″
  • Boxed Dems: 22x22x14, 32Lbs

Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amplifier 4

Marla Amplification seeks to build quality amps at a price point that gigging musicians can afford, with simplistic layouts that are approachable to all levels of players. A guitar tone should be as personalized/unique as your fingerprint – no one wants to sound like the guitarist that just played that stage – these classically inspired amps with a unique sound will help musicians have that individualized tonal foundation. Also, each amp is named (no serial numbers) after Dogs in Shelters, to remind people their next best friend is waiting for them (this one is named Honey Bun)!

Marla Amplification S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amplifier 5

I was really impressed by everything about the S10V Limited Edition Run 11W Guitar Amp from Marla Amplification – the look, the light weight, the clear quality in the build and oh, the TONE. For having just 2 knobs, this is one versatile l ittle sonic monster, ranging in all the best ways to cover a lot of ground with ease. Be sure to check out the Marla Amplification website for more info on this amp, their other amp’s and Anthony’s story of how he got to this point – we love all things Asheville, be sure you support your local builders as well, cheers!!

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