Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo - Pedal of the Day

Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Saturday, August 17, 2024 in Diffractor Soundings, Modulation, Tremolo | 0 comments

Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo

I love Tremolo. Whether it’s from an amp or a pedal, it adds a layer to music that just hits right. Today’s pedal takes everything you thought you knew about tremolo and ramps it up 1000x, in all the best ways. The Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo has lots of knobs, makes lots of noises and sounds amazing in stereo – let’s check it out!!

Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo 2

The Arboretum Tremolo is designed to be a truly versatile stereo tremolo. The unique digital LFO inside was specifically created to be able to offer a wide variety of waveforms to modulate the input signal that remains 100% analog. But it is the “Mode” feature that makes this pedal particular, as it allows you to go way beyond the “classic” use of a tremolo and explore more experimental aspects of this effect.

Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo 3

The Arboretum covers a large range of different tremolo sounds. From the warmth of a sine waveform to the “hardness” of a choppy square waveform, this pedal allows you to choose between a great variety of sounds and opens many creative possibilities. The Arboretum can also function with an expression pedal or with a CV signal (0-5V), giving you more control over your sound.

Diffractor Soundings Arboretum Stereo Tremolo 4

This is one of those pedals that you plug in and start playing with, and before you know it 2 hours have flown by, and you’re just scratching the surface. If you love turning knobs and creating experimental sounds, you’ll love the Arboretum Stereo Tremolo from our new friends at Diffractor Soundings. Be sure to head over to their website for more info and to grab one of these for yourself…after you watch our demo video below, of course!! Cheers!!

Affiliate Links:
Sweetwater – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MX05KP
Vintage King – https://vintagekingaudio.sjv.io/nLGZd7
StewMac – https://stewmac.sjv.io/P0X7BQ
Amazon – https://amzn.to/3FN04Mq

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How to Choose Your Guitar Pedals – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/QORJ7z
How to Match a Cab to Your Amp Head – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/nLjj7V
How to Break In a Guitar Speaker – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/4PRR10


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