Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Delay Looper - Pedal of the Day

Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Delay Looper

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Saturday, August 3, 2024 in Delay / Reverb, Discomfort Designs, Loopers | 0 comments

Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Delay Looper

Over the years, the effects units we’ve examined from the mad scientists at Discomfort Designs have wowed, excited and perplexed me, in all the greatest of ways. We’ve got their latest creation for you today, and this one takes off into outer space the minute you plug it in. The Phantom Limb Delay Looper combiners two of our favorite effects, while adding a bunch of sonic manipulation into the fold…

Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Delay Looper 2

Phantom Limb is a compact pedal that’s a combination delay and looper. The looper side is actually nine separate loopers with individual random playback triggers. Their probability of triggering is controlled by one knob called ‘Chance’. A ‘Length’ knob determines the length of the loops. It’s a beautiful mess.

Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Delay Looper 3

Since all kinds of unexpected things can happen with random loopers, the loop buffer can be locked, replaying portions of the last few moments. When locked, the ‘Length’ and ‘Chance’ knobs will scan through the buffer and dynamically change the length. All of that loopy madness goes into the delay side of the pedal. The delay has three modes: clean, drifting modulation, and pitch shifted. It’s weird, but that’s what it’s here for.

Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb Delay Looper 4

Pedals like these are what make the effects world what it has become today, and what continues to push the sonic envelope into new and unexpected territory. The Phantom Limb Delay Looper is a wacky machine, to say the least, but it opens up a whole new avenue of exploration and your approach to music creation. Be sure to check out the Discomfort Designs website for more info and ordering, and you’ll definitely want to check out our demo video below to see and hear this one in action…cheers!!

Affiliate Links:
Sweetwater – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MX05KP
Vintage King – https://vintagekingaudio.sjv.io/nLGZd7
StewMac – https://stewmac.sjv.io/P0X7BQ
Amazon – https://amzn.to/3FN04Mq

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