ezhi&aka Polarized Flutter + Echo - Pedal of the Day

ezhi&aka Polarized Flutter + Echo

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Saturday, July 27, 2024 in Chorus, Echo, ezhi&aka, Fuzz, Vibrato | 0 comments

ezhi&aka Polarized Flutter + Echo

Whenever we get a device sent in by ezhi&aka, we know it’s time to get crazy and indulge in our wildest musical explorations. Today’s pedal from them is the Polarized Flutter + Echo, a newly revamped version of the original Polarized Flutter we checked out a couple years back. With a couple of new control parameters and a wide range of wackiness on tap, this was a fun one to dive into, for sure…

ezhi&aka Polarized Flutter + Echo 2

The Polarized Flutter + Echo takes the original Polarized Flutter concept of manual pressure sensor tapestop pedal further with new mode selectors and of course feedback control for deep controllable echo. Four mode selectors allow to choose what parameter and in what direction will be controlled via the pressure sensor. First, we have the main ICs clock control for upward and downward dirty tapestops, light or heavy manual vibrato and tone destruction.

ezhi&aka Polarized Flutter + Echo 3

The Delay time control has a dedicated Depth knob to set the limit of manual time control, also up (longer delay time when sensor is not touched, shorter delay times up to almost un-noticable delay when sensor is pressed heavily) and down (minimal delay when sensor is not touched, maximum delay set by Depth knob when sensor is pressed heavily). Amplitude control has two distinct modes – one controlling signal’s gain from clean to fuzzy, the other turning signal off and on with needle drop thump.

ezhi&aka Polarized Flutter + Echo 4

Feedback control with its own knob allows for two opposite sensor controlled modes – press harder for more feedback/echo, press harder for less feedback/echo. In conjunction with tapestop modes this lets you achieve wide echo swells only when the sensor is pressed or dive into feedback without touching the pedal only to bring your clean signal back by pressing the pad. This is a pretty complex pedal, but one that is specifically designed for all the experimenters out there. Thanks to ezhi&aka for sending the Polarized Flutter + Echo our way – be sure to visit their website for more info…and don’t miss our demo below, cheers!!

Affiliate Links:
Sweetwater – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MX05KP
Vintage King – https://vintagekingaudio.sjv.io/nLGZd7
StewMac – https://stewmac.sjv.io/P0X7BQ
Amazon – https://amzn.to/3FN04Mq

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