Keeley Electronics Dyno My Roto Tri-Chorus Rotary Flange - Pedal of the Day

Keeley Electronics Dyno My Roto Tri-Chorus Rotary Flange

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Thursday, May 30, 2024 in Chorus, Flangers, Keeley Electronics, Rotary Speaker | 0 comments

Keeley Electronics Dyno My Roto Tri-Chorus Rotary Flange

Well, well, it’s Keeley Electronics time once again! We’ve been checking out a bunch of their gear recently, and today we’re going back a little ways to check out the Dyno My Roto. Aside from the awesome name, this pedal is a 3-in-1 modulation machine offering some classic sounds in a pedalboard-friendly little package. From tone-shaping chorus to vintage rotary speaker emulations to out-of-this-world flanging, this pedal has got a LOT to offer…

Grab a Dyno My Roto from Sweetwater –

With the Dyno My Roto, you can finally get those 80’s vintage rack chorus sounds that define killer chorus sounds. This was not an easy development, and is a tough and difficult thing to accomplish in such a small package. However, Keeley couldn’t leave good enough alone, so they added a Flanger and a Leslie Cabinet simulator on top of the gorgeous chorus tones produced by this unit.

Keeley Electronics Dyno My Roto Tri-Chorus Rotary Flange 2

The magic to the chorus sound in the Dyno My Roto is the three LFOs that give you lush modulations that truly sing out like a chorus of guitars. Most chorus pedals, in fact nearly all, are simply two voice, one straight and one modulated. This offers twice the amount of joy by modulating another voice, which significantly reduces the ability to just hear one voice being affected and smears a couple voices in an effect that is truly enjoyable to listen to.

Keeley Electronics Dyno My Roto Tri-Chorus Rotary Flange 3

The new Rotary Cabinet package features a Proximity Control, which controls how far away you are from the spinning speaker cabinet. This adds a depth and distance to the cabinet and is a touch like a reverb control. It gives you that spatial expanse that can give you presence or depth in the chorus-like rotations. Lastly, while Keeley was spinning things, they crafted a RotoFlange sound that has a simple negative feedback control, making it easy to use and getting you the most classic flanger sounds possible.

Keeley Electronics Dyno My Roto Tri-Chorus Rotary Flange 4

The Chorus tones here on the Dyno My Roto are incredible…and they’re only a third of what this effects pedal is capable of. Get all your modulation needs met with a pedal that smaller than most – how do they pack so much into this little space? Visit the Keeley Electronics website for more info, and be sure to watch our demo video below as well – cheers!!

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