Asheville Guitar Pedals Master Volume Box Attenuator - Pedal of the Day

Asheville Guitar Pedals Master Volume Box Attenuator

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Asheville Guitar Pedals, Attenuator | 0 comments

Asheville Guitar Pedals Master Volume Box Passive Attenuator

Over the course of the next week, we have FIVE pedals that all come from right where we live: beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. Some new companies, some old, all local and all amazing. We’re starting this little run with a unit that isn’t an effect, but an extremely useful piece of gear for any FX Loop-equipped tube amplifier. The Master Volume Box Attenuator from Asheville Guitar Pedals allows you to crank your favorite amp, without shattering your windows and your eardrums in the process…

Asheville Guitar Pedals Master Volume Box Passive Attenuator 3

Run your amp hotter with the Master Volume Box! Designed to work with high wattage amplifiers, this passive attenuator allows you to achieve concert-quality tones at any volume level. No more compromising on your sound. With the Master Volume Box, you have complete control over your overall volume. Hook it up to your amp’s effects loop (send/return) and unleash the full potential of your amplifier. It is like adding a master volume knob between your preamp and your power amp. Having the added master volume between your pre amp and power amp allows you to crank your gain and master volume on your amp, and control the overall output with the Master Volume Box.

Asheville Guitar Pedals Master Volume Box Passive Attenuator 2

For the demo below, we paired the Master Volume Box with our trusty Mesa/Boogie Mark Five:25 amp head, a Mesa/Boogie 1×12 Mini Rec Slant Cabinet and Celestion V30 speaker, mic’d up with an sE Electronics sE8 and a Shire SM57. As you’ll see, the volume is cranked on the amp for all settings, and the sound is absolutely crystal and powerful, without clipping or too much noise. If you want to get stage-level tone with manageable loudness, the Master Volume Box Attenuator is the answer. Check out the Asheville Guitar Pedals website for ordering and more info, and be sure to stop by their shop if you find yourself in our wonderful city!!

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