Seemingly out of nowhere, Discomfort Designs has become one of our favorite pedal companies of late. Creating loud, weird and exciting effects, these guys are pushing the levels of noise creation to new heights. Their latest, the Neon Black Fuzz Booster, combines two odd circuits and makes them into one powerhouse of a pedal. In your face, bold, screechy and fantastic, let’s check it out…
The left side of the Neon Black is described as a “Party Fuzz”, as it’s obnoxious, a little unpredictable and certainly loud. Volume, Tone and Fuzz are the parameters present here, giving you plenty to explore and create with, as long as you don’t mind some heavy noise. Seven NPN transistors are inside, screaming at each other, creating a wide range of fuzzy dirt, with no clean tones in sight.
The right side (both circuits can be used independently or together) is a two-flavored treble booster. These high-pass filter circuits have different characteristics, depending on where your toggle switch is placed. On the left, a notch of the low frequencies are cut and a narrow band of upper-mids is boosted, resulting in a resonant, nasal character. On the right, the boost is wider and focuses on a ‘more traditionally treble’ band of upper-mid and high frequencies, which creates louder and dirtier boost tones.
Each of these sides is switchable via a baby-soft relay bypass switches, and when combined, they form a union of supersonic, eardrum-splitting musical prowess unparalleled in the modern world. Knocking it out of the park once more, the wonderful creations from Discomfort Designs continue to flow. Head over and check their website out for more info and ordering, and you really gotta hear this one in action, so be sure to peruse our demo video below (don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, too!!). Cheers!