Continually coming up with new and creative designs, the effects out of the Hochstrasser Electronics camp have been some of our favorites over the last couple of years. Today’s pedal continues that tradition, bringing the sounds of 2 classic pedals into one pedalboard-friendly enclosure. somehow packing in a ton of options on this small face, the Hairy Eggplant Octave Fuzz is heavy and delicate at the same time.
The Hairy Eggplant is a small octave fuzz with a wide range of tones. Building on the architecture of the classic Foxx Tone Machine, the Hairy Eggplant has added flexibility in tone shaping and clipping options. Cook up your favorite psychedelic fuzz sounds with the octave switch on or switch it off for some gnarly, face-melting fuzz. Level controls the overall output volume, Fuzz increases and decreases the amount of distortion happening in the signal and you use the Tone knob to roll off the highs.
In the Down position, the Clip switch engages a set of clipping diodes similar to those used in the Foxx Tone Machine; in the Up position, clipping occurs in a style similar to that found in the Big Muff. With the Tone switch, the lows are rolled off and the fuzz becomes more edgy in the Down position; in the Up position, some low end is brought back in for a rounder fuzz tone. Finally, in the Up position of the Octave switch, the octave is engaged; in the Down position, the pedal behaves similar to a normal fuzz.
As just a fuzz pedal, the Hairy Eggplant sounds incredible, and having the option to add in that octave tone takes everything up a notch. The wide range on the control knobs, along with the toggle-switchable options, really make this little purple monster a useful and powerful tool for any rig or setup. The fact you can switch instantly between Muff-style tone and Tone Machine sounds is a huge plus as well, bringing some new life into the world of fuzz. Cheers once again to one of our great supporters, Hochstrasser Electronics – be sure to check out their extensive pedal lineup on their website, and give ’em a follow on all the socials. Check out our demo of the Hairy Eggplant below as well, and please subscribe and turn on those notifications on YouTube!