DryBell Unit67 EQ Boost Compressor - Pedal of the Day

DryBell Unit67 EQ Boost Compressor

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Saturday, October 17, 2020 in Boost, Compression / Sustain, DryBell, Equalization | 0 comments

DryBell Unit67 EQ Boost Compressor

Having an EQ, a Boost and a Compressor in your signal chain are key ingredients for a lot of guitar players, and we tend to agree. Most times, however, these effects have to come from three separate sources, taking up a lot of real estate on your board, and having you tap dancing around like a maniac to get even a core sound correct. Well, those days just might be over. Today, we’re checking out the marvelous DryBell Unit67 EQ Boost Compressor, a 4-in-1 pedal that is filled with options and comes in a surprisingly small package.

The Unit67’s focus is on the one big knob smack dab in the center. This legendary Daka-ware knob controls the Boost function, adjusting the overall output level. Around 10:00 represents unity gain, with the total range going from -7dB up to +22,4dB when maxed out. This high headroom boost stage has a custom-designed taper for easy finding of the sweet spot of any device or amp, and works at 23V internally. The knob’s size also makes on-the-fly foot adjustments easy as can be.

The Sustain control adjusts the parallel compression level, letting you mix your wet and dry signals to taste. This results in a dialing in of the perfect amount of sustain, while still retaining all your picking dynamics. The low-noise FET compressor stage is inspired by the famous UREI 1176 studio compressor, with the Attack, Release and Ratio parameters set and fixed on the pedal’s interior. An Input switch further lets you customize your sound, utilizing two different types/gains of compression for differing characters, to match up with any instrument or setup.

The EQ section can be activated or bypassed with the EQ toggle switch, letting you use it any way you see fit. Low and High set the lower and higher frequencies, while Range controls a specific mid-range frequency spectrum. Similar to the classic Rangemaster, it adds harmonically rich sparkle to darker-toned pickups and amps, while also giving some serious bite to push you right through the mix. Unit67 also boasts a buffered bypass system that features built-in high headroom, an ultra-low noise buffer circuit and was designed for zero signal loss, the kind sometimes found on many classic transistor buffered pedals.

The DryBell Unit67 EQ Boost Compressor is the perfect combination of three key effects, all working in perfect synergy to give you “that sound” you’ve been searching for. Whether you’re playing loud rock and roll, quiet jazz or big, sustained blues, this pedal makes your guitar and amp absolutely sing. We love it so much that it instantly found its way right onto our demo pedalboard, making everything else around it sound just that much better. Cheers to DryBell on an excellent musical combination – check out our demo below to see what it can do, and be sure to head over to the DryBell website for more info on this and the rest of their effects!


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  1. DryBell The Engine Foundation Preamp - Pedal of the Day - […] recently had the privilege to review and demo the Unit67 Boost EQ Compressor from DryBell, a wonderfully versatile addition…

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