Deep Space Devices Trigonaut Octave Glitch Overdrive - Pedal of the Day

Deep Space Devices Trigonaut Octave Glitch Overdrive

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Sunday, June 30, 2019 in Deep Space Devices, Octave, Overdrive / Distortion | 0 comments

Deep Space Devices Trigonaut Octave Glitch Overdrive

The effects that have come out from Deep Space Devices since their inception have been one bang-bang after another, starting with the Red Ghost and Golem Distortions, and continuing with today’s featured pedal. The Trigonaut is an overdrive….but also so, so, so much more. According to the DSD website, “by utilizing its cosmic power, regeneration capabilities, and time-traveling technology, the Trigonaut is now considered the peak of evolutionary technology.” We think they’re on to something here, but we should give you the rundown just to make sure, k?

There’s a lot to cover here, so let’s jump right in. The Volume knob controls the output the effect; Gain controls presence of your clean gain tone and acts as a limiter. With the Consume footswitch off, Reign acts as a subtle low-mid tone control. With Consume on, Reign controls the presence of the octave glitch/stutter effect, increasing the presence of the octave glitch/stutter as you turn it to the right.

Speaking of the Consume footswitch, it allows the octave glitch/stutter to become present in your mix, with a purple LED indicating whether it is on or off. The Momentary switch allows the glitch/stutter effect becomes present, but at max level, when held down and until released. As is the norm, Bypass turns the Trigonaut on and off, with an On/Off orange LED.

There are 4 toggle switches available for your experimental pleasure here as well: Bass boosts the bass presence, and Feedback gives a leveled drive output (down) or a higher frequency output (up). In the down position, Stutter rapidly switches your signal on/off and slows down the longer the note is held. In the up position, the effect will be set to glitch. The octaves go into a sporadic array, and will play downward to lower octaves starting from the initial position. The stutter/glitch effect reacts with each toggle position of Bite/Gnaw/Crunch, the final toggle. Here, you can choose from Bite (more treble and mid-focused drive output), Gnaw (more mid-focused drive output) or Crunch (more mid-and-bass-focused drive output). Each position interacts with the stutter/glitch effect differently. Bite gives you a more sporadic factor of the stutter/glitch. Gnaw puts the stutter at a slower and choppy rate with consume on, while Crunch acts like Gnaw, but less choppy.

“Through telescopic imaging, we calculated the arrival of what is now known as the Trigonaut.” So say the crew aboard Deep Space Devices, and we couldn’t agree more. The Trigonaut rumbles, squeaks, blips, creeps, distortions, powers and mayhems its way through the sonic gauntlet that its circuits provide, transforming any unwilling, pseudo-intelligent being into one that worships at the altar of intergalactic pedal-infused warfare. Sound interesting? Then make sure you check out our demo video below, and peruse the Deep Space website for this and more marvels of the auditory realm, waiting to bombard you with an eclectic array of tonal technology. An overdrive with a ton of built-in options and more sounds than you’ll know what to do with? Right up our (and probably your) alley – cheers!


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