This is the NashPedals Bronco Billy clean/treble boost. I’ve been using this hand painted version for 6 months now, and I am always impressed with how transparent and usable this little guy is.
With the toggle in the up position, the Bronco Billy acts as a treble boost. I really love how you can dial it in if you need just a touch to cut through, or really use it to push the amp without getting big, boomy bass. I often use this side when arpeggiating over an ambient pad, since I can use it to add some definition to the top end without sticking out like a sore thumb.
And then there are times you just want to play loud, and the Bronco Billy works great for that, too. With the toggle in the down position, you get a powerful boost with no color to your tone. This setting is great to push an amp over the edge and really break up the preamp section while still having a full sound.
Overall, this is a great boost with a lot of possibilities in a small package. NashPedals are handmade in the US and I’ve been impressed with all of their work. If you are in need of some dirt, a boost, or some compression, check them out!
Submitted by Kaleb C, Instagram